Sunday, January 27, 2008

Dvb Channels Unlocking

Chemtrails - what do the churches? Eugen Biser

Chemtrails (chemistry tracks) -, forced chemotherapy for all

- written by Bombastus @ 10:31
DVD: Chemtrails is

The word


for Chemical traces in the sky. These look at first as if It would be ordinary contrails. Contrails are, however, entirely of water vapor and evaporate, depending on humidity and altitude of the aircraft in about 1 minute. There are no combustion residues, such as in a poorly controlled diesel engine. However, since are approximately the spring of 1999 in fact the world to see (and amplified in Germany), white streaks in the sky, which do not dissolve immediately behind the aircraft, but, depending on the wind strength all day stay in the sky. They dissolve slowly and not just at the source, but run like streaks and spinning yarns in the width and become thin. As shown in photos over 50 countries is well documented, it more capable of such chemtrails, a bright blue sky in the morning, on a white in the hazy afternoon sky to convert.

Reiner steam disappears almost immediately as the warm breath on a cold winter day. Trails are the pure water vapor, they are created with low humidity at high altitude, however, chemtrails are formed in each humidity and also at low level.

Few politicians like Monika Griefhahn (SPD) to give the use of chemtrails, although the project is in the so-called Wells

Bach Patent

described exactly as it is to see now. In March 1991, The two Chinese-born U.S. researcher David Chang and I-Fu Shih a request for grant. to your "Wells Bach" patent provides a solution to reduce global warming dar. In six kilometers high, metal-oxides sprayed, which convert the heat of the greenhouse gases in infrared waves and discharge into the space. This is a desired cooling effect caused. Concerned citizens in Germany, the weather turned for unexplained phenomena to the federal government weather offices and environmental organizations were often dismissed as Spinner or followers of conspiracy . For chemtrails or similar, there would no Evidence, it said. This has changed recently. On 16 February 2006 filed a private weather service with the public prosecutor in Bonn a complaint against "unknown" That damn team had in July 2005 discovered an outstretched rain band on his radar images, but it rained a drop in the display reads:... "Like a subsequent analysis showed, could not, however, these structures have been caused by natural weather phenomena, but had to be developed. It is suspected that the radar image was actively influenced by exposure of particles or substances by deliberate human intervention. " Meanwhile, other weather researchers budge out and admit that they have often seen such a thing would have - especially over northern Germany. Says Jörg Asmussen, a meteorologist at the German Weather Service reported in Offenbach, the mirror (13/06), that he on the night 23rd March 2006 had big rain clouds on the radar screen, but they were not. Asmus to the mirror. "I suspect there are scientific experiments and military exercises" by Asmus' speculation it could be an experiment was with wafer-thin Metallfädchen, which were sold in the airspace over the North Sea and therefore interfered with the meteorological equipment are also water samples at 400 -. magnification shows the aluminum and Bariumfasern, which, according to patent application were meant as a climate change to reflect sunlight. The actual cause of the global output would seem to be different: Because of the high metal content are in the air already measured the electromagnetic conditions changed in the air, so that rays of any kind are passed better. With the so-called HAARP project, the U.S. officially investigated the effect of different rays when they are emitted into the atmosphere. This apparatus can also ELF (brain) send out waves, which can measure the brain of humans or control (mind control). This process is already in prison or nightclubs (To euphoria) are used. 1m basically you can trigger any state of mind with artificial ELF waves.

addition to aluminum and Bariumpartikeln bacteria were also found in the chemtrails.

- For-use-of-Chemtrails - l999-are-

respiratory disease in the U.S. total-much-more '! and also found in children. The death rate from respiratory diseases in the United States rose from 8 on 3 Place. The constant spraying entails, according to Dr. Gwenn Scott generally weaken the immune system and promotes cancer.

recommends Dr. Gwen Scott in general to prevent the mushrooms in the chemtrails:

* Garlic, Chinese mushrooms, Koloidales silver for drinking or as a nasal spray,

* Tea tree oil for inhalation

* against the aluminum, which leads to Alzheimer's disease:
* Essential fatty acids, especially linseed oil, evening primrose oil and grill oil (fish oil)
* Against barium , which draws Potassium:
* food supplement with potassium
* chemtrails contain magnesium, which, combined with aluminum to

blood clots. * relief can bring healing earth to - used internally - of purging the metals. * Also ginger root and ginkgo biloba help with the blood thinner.

The DVD can be ordered via chemtrails donation

. It may be freely copied and distributed!

Gerald White,

political scientists, regional list candidate in Hesse, the Violet, a holistic cancer consultant Serninarhausleiter works full time with consulting and healing on various issues of transition to the new astronomical zodiac sign of Aquarius. He would like to inform about issues such as chemtrails Ua and calm at the same time, it is these issues among others, the Hopi and Mayan Indians were predicted: Just before the transition into the new era there will be a time when the cobwebs the sky cover and where no one can buy or sell, if he is not the number of the devil, 666, added to his product. (In the EAN code containing 666 screens and Bible verse Revelation 13).

Or order here directly, the revenues are used for retransmission - DVD should not be copied!

However, I would like to point out that this is a highly controversial topic, which you may directly confronted with the powers! It raised many questions: Who knows

it and why it is covered up
  • slopes the "Avian Influenza" phenomena that together, and thus the illegal killing of millions of poultry?
  • The weakening of the immune system, new AIDS cases "produces Because AIDS is only
  • indicated indirectly
  • by a weakened immune system because it is a AIDS VIRUS in reality does not exist - be only through the massive drugs then the actual AIDS symptoms triggered - and even death Currently, hospitals are overcrowded with patients suffering from respiratory diseases - and how many go to the account of chemtrails is who one day for the deaths blamed
  • , future-lung cancer? be pushed to smoking - see the current anti-smoking laws - dazzled by what the government would worry about the health of the population!

We therefore do not know who was behind this crime against the world's population, cover up silent politicians and authorities say targeted the truth, I give the Council, in all contacts with officials noted that one of the Basic Law Article 20 et seq refers. Although the former Federal President Roman Herzog pointed out that the Basic Law is 20 / 4 a joke, because he himself ad absurdum: you can not even call the courts, if the reference to GG 20 / 4 the legality of government and Courts casts doubt!

Together with other massive violation of the law and violations of the Constitution, the appointment will be on GG 20 / 4 only apply if these processes have come to the public and have been removed accordingly. For this terror is against the people and leaders are



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