Friday, May 7, 2010

Local Gay Cruising Areas

define the true meaning of life - the brutal British sex theology

Lyndon LaRouche

The following script, which takes the abuse scandal in the Catholic Church to the starting point appeared in the original English on 19 March 2010.

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"It is better to marry than to burn with desire."

Paul, 1 Corinthians

are no reasonable objection is against the statement that the President just Barack Obama pushed through "health reform" a remake of the notorious genocidal euthanasia policy is that Adolf Hitler practiced during the war. President Obama's argument is essentially a treacherous Attack on the great principle of the Preamble of the U.S. Constitution.

In short, President Obama obviously knows, like Hitler, not the difference between a man and a roasted goose for lunch.

The complicit members of Congress, the complicity in this crime against humanity are treated, by and large, not as men and women, but like chickens on a farm, and hope that they do not land yourself next on the table.

In this way, denies them their humanity, as the children who are victims of sexual abuse - the same disregard of the difference between a human and an animal farm. Taken together, all the great lack of morality in contemporary America, because President Obama and his supporters are driven basically no different than the men fornication with children: they lack a clear understanding of the difference between a human and an animal that you abused for personal pleasure.

The topic that is raised here is, has long been the subject of my attention since I had been confidentially informed of several decades ago, the official view of persistent sexual abuse by some members of the Catholic clergy in the United States. That this problem has not stopped at that time, now has more than humiliating, unpleasant consequences for the Church in the U.S. and internationally.

One must ask, why has not penetrated to the root of the infection. Pederasty among priests is still, unfortunately, not even the biggest problem that needs to stop it - such as the monarchy can be a lot worse. What I have to say on this topic, you will certainly surprise you, but it is, as you will notice when reading this book, absolutely true.

The reference point I will often refer to a BBC interview with Father Brian D'Arcy on the accusations of pederasty among Irish priests.

[Father Brian D'Arcy reported his traumatized by two experiences in which he was sexually abused as a child and teenager by members of the Catholic Church. See also and uk_news/northern_ireland/8569900.stm]

The issue at stake in these misguided cleric, is not "sex" to call itself, but the abuse of minors. that a "sexual problem" is as one would confused with the footprint of the foot. The way in which the subject is treated in public, serves primarily a diversion of attention from the misanthropic, murderous intentions of the parties that operate these revelations, the most intense - intentions that are not only related to the known abuse cases. Under these circumstances, such reports a worse crime than the disease itself, this may be so bad.

On a deeper level, the sensationalism is the subject of more as a means to conceal the disease to which that behavior is just a behavioral symptom. The sexual issue as it can be identified as a pure symptom reminds us, the much deeper, often hidden background of continue to pursue common problem - a deep-rooted mental problems in science and in society in general.

The starting point, if not the purpose of this paper is therefore as follows.

It is widely argued that this is a problem specific to the internal affairs of the Catholic Church constitutes, but this claim is not only exaggerated, but even misleading. Even if they deny the very ugly truth of some of these revelations can not be: These scandals are the champions of the world's genocide plan, as operated by the Duke of Edinburgh with his World Wildlife Fund, targeted as a pretext and as a diversion tactic.

When the known cases referred to celibacy as a factor, but such crimes are generally not just a problem among clergy. This is by far larger, deeper question of how and why the scandals are exploited by the circles that hate the fact that the Catholic Church opposes their Malthusian genocide plans. This from the British royal family operated worldwide genocide program is the real big crimes against humanity, in addition to the fade all the other crimes of the present.

After that what is needed on the subject of pederasty that said, I push all the usual comments about this set of questions aside. I must see the connection to some much more pressing matters.

Sex, Sex, Sex! come to

get straight to the point:? place where we must in this regard "sexual abuse" What is the real heart of the matter

one hand, all forms of animal life are based on the power of these creatures, in one way or another as on the fertilization through sexual intercourse (as opposed to artificial insemination) to propagate. Be still arguments against the heterosexual impulse give yourself?

It should be clear that to be considered are two different questions. First serve sexual Pulses as a driver, which is good for the promotion of procreation, in contrast to the pulse of paired sexual gratification for its own sake. Or we do not need

opposite assessment criteria for the distinction of sex in animals and humans? One should

the questions arising from the case of Father Brian D'Arcy's interview with the BBC, best addressed by all that can be generally classified as various sexual or sex-related practices can be, ignored.

As long as you are only nominally sexual or sex-related activities concentrated in itself, without the universal principles of the difference to be considered between humans and animals remains any discussion of sexual issues in moral and other aspects completely confused.

It should be clear that there is a very different approach to this issue. If the purpose of what can generally be described as the human sex drive, only a penchant for reproduction would be, is not the definition of sexual behavior among men, the differences from that of animals. The infamous modern British liberalism, such as a John Maynard Keynes, provides clearly one of many occasions for debate on the relevant definitions.

I say, you have the essential difference define between the sexual behavior of animals and humans according to a systematic distinction of the being of animals and reasonable people. What is the real functional difference between organisms of the biosphere and the position of man as a creature in WI Vernadsky's noosphere?

In other words, what is the difference between the innate destiny of human life and animal life? When is the human sex exercise more than mere "rammeln" Accordingly, one should also ask:
deviant human sexual behavior is a way of saying that there is a lack of a person or culture in a truly human existence is the purpose?
If there is no such qualitative distinction of being the purpose, then where is the difference between human reproductive and naked lust? This brings us to something that is much less of a sex scandal as an existential issue for the entire planet (and in this time of scientific progress far beyond).

we leave aside sex as such. The importance of the problem is nothing less than that it represents a specific aspect of the threatening general economic and cultural breakdown crisis, which currently covers the entire planet. What appears to the simple mind as a mere scandal of sexual behavior is in fact the symptom a crisis that is far from a crisis of individuals or groups, but the political and economic institutions of the entire planet.

They must not be regarded as a problem that is limited only to a substantial part of the clergy, whether celibate or not. You have to address in particular an expression of malicious recognize those who have decided, now a very old scandal of many, spreading many generations public - a scandal involving the pederasty that was practiced in fact very many generations and even millennia before Now, starting from Boston, the political crisis of the Catholic parishes broke out.

On a symptom of a crisis tweaking, no competent treatment of the actual disease, which is spiritual. A symptom may also be an "independent" disease, but one should not confuse a symptom never simplistic with the cause of the disease. So are other signs of abnormal behavior of the persons, also must if you deal with it, but the systemic crisis, the has emerged in its current form by the influences of the system of the British Empire on the practice of theology and against the theology.

A brief explanation

As Adam Smith admitted, there are, designed by Paolo Sarpi system of the British Liberalism - and its global influence - no moral principles.

an example.

Not everyone who lives in the cultural matrix of such a society shows in his personal sexual behavior of this specific syndrome, the actual disease is much more of a much broader, systemic importance. The problem is not limited to offensive sexual behavior, but the fault lies in a predisposition almost systemic, cultural and genetic "Art

is now the entire Wall Street itself is a symptom of the same moral disease as pederasty - and how to listen, it is often the cause of such practices. pederasty and usury are often two sides of the same immoral behavior.

Let us examine again the symptoms. On the surface, the crisis is admittedly from symptoms such as a certain cluster pederastic excesses among clergy - but this symptom is based on a higher disorder in populations that are suffering from a reductionist culture, such as the "behaviorism" of modern philosophical liberalism It is quite common.

Many who read this statement to be at first have difficulty. This is because that in the philosophically illiterate cultures of today, even higher, better-educated circles the idea of universal principles - in the sense that Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz defined the concept of "dynamics" in only competent way -. do not understand the extreme reductionist teachings spread in the academic life and other areas is to blame, that even nominally well-trained academics and other parties hardly understand how and why relatively local symptoms are essentially only the expression of higher-level principles, the most habitual human behavior must, in the light higher, epistemological principles -. be treated, and this aspect of the fact - as basic scientific principles decisive, overarching Assumptions is now recognized only rarely.

exactly is in this sense, the global problem that is described in the following pages, far more fundamental and far-reaching than that of Father D'Arcy raised, and it must be treated accordingly. The issue raised by him is of limited importance in the same sense as in the ironic content of the famous poem about the kingdom that was lost because a Hufnagel lost. Father D'Arcy's comments in the interview to draw attention by way of example an error that can not be limited to one issue among Catholic clergy. On closer inspection, he even touched the crucial global strategic, economic originating mostly not the problem.

we present the problem as it currently stands, in the appropriate context.

It's not just in principle to the current collapse of the European and world civilization, but especially to the serious crimes against humanity in the form of ongoing, Hitler-like population policy of the British royal family, as well as the Hitler-like murderous plans, which Obama Administration has just enforced. In supposedly quiet times of peace, this policy is a remake of the notorious Adolf Hitler's genocidal health policy, which in Germany introduced during the war as Operation "Tiergarten 4" was.

thus gave and there are cases where homosexuality is strongly recommended as a contribution to birth control, which can be expressed in terms of medieval celibate traditions among clergy. The incidence of homosexuality in some cultures can also be a by-product of the methods represent, that want some cultures run population control.

The unusual public recently with cases of child abuse is a conscious, distracting Publicitymanöver, are behind the malevolent motives. It serves as a propaganda campaign for the global mass murder program of the former British Blair government and now by U.S. President Barack Obama, who is also directed against their own populations - a genocide which is fueled in particular by leading circles of the British government, but also British complicity as the downright treasonous President Obama . It is the work of Obama, which is close to recent observational state of mind of the Roman emperor Nero in the final, fateful days of his rule. The big issue for the world is not the seduction of minors, but the British intention to both children and their parents to kill in one way or another: It would be the most serious, worldwide mass genocide in the known history of mankind.

Having said about the background, we treat the other questions in connection with the sexual behavior in society as an expression of the fundamental role of man in contrast to the animals.

Preface: Church and State

To proceed with a clear head, we first need some misleading assumptions out of the way that would otherwise distract attention from the crucial fact that President Obama a British fascist variant, following the example of former Prime Minister Tony Blair followed.

We will come to the main part of the paper, after we have employed the following are some useful preliminary observations on the political economy of sexual behavior.

It should be emphasized that the limited scope, has responded to Father Brian D'Arcy to a scandal in Ireland, is symptomatic of an admittedly peculiar problem. The topic of pederasty among clergy refers to a form of social control exercised since a very long time, even for many centuries before the recent scandals broke out internationally on this issue.

We must not fall for it, that the ugly facts here are obviously misused for purposes other than Art opportunistic distraction from the issues of life and death that confront us acute - namely, the currently practiced by the British and American government genocide. First, you should expose the sophistical trick, as here, an admittedly very ugly and also ancient cultural problem is exploited by some clergy of various directions around the world, instead of actually overcome. The problem is essentially regarded as symptomatic, if you look at it from a higher vantage point accordingly.

As an adequate starting point for the consideration of the true, acutely urgent problem - by the British Blair government and the American government legislated Obama assassination programs - should be more objective discussion by focusing on it, the said scandal dates back to very ancient and important historical facts. It is rooted in a time long before the adoption of the imperial Rome, the arrangement for the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth. This arrangement was the specific Roman jurisdiction of the emperor adopted Tiberius and executed, who resided at that time on the island of Capri, where in the former imperial excesses pederastic antics of the day waren.1

Since the time of the crucifixion of Jesus and the from the Roman Empire ordered massacre to the Christians after the crucifixion of the imperial Christian apostles Peter and Paul are the successors of the Roman Empire, as the followers of the British Empire today, in a fundamental conflict with the Mosaic principle, which is expressed in Genesis 1. This deeper principles of conflict but still remains the outstanding issue for the civilization around the world as it is currently organized.

When dealing with issues such as Father D'Arcy has expressed in his statement mentioned above, has it not with one, albeit important, to do special case, as the crimes committed by some Catholic clergy sexual or other Abuse of children is, you have to do it with a very Delphic perversion, which was common in the Mediterranean and other civilizations.

In this case, as in others we must proceed with great respect for the strict truth, rather than on politically motivated, greasy sophistries involved that have been placed in malicious intent in the world.

The real policy question

When dealing with these questions one must generally take into account the Mosaic legacy, not only to the Catholic faith, but in fact for all nominally Christian, Jewish, Muslim and related beliefs valid, as has Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa expressed this in his De Pace Fidei. On that analysis, one must also take into account that lack of political and economic rights institutions that have been in the political sphere of the oligarchic legacy of royalty and other produced in Europe and operated.

This is my chosen starting point for the inserted now and particularly highlighted when it is not even central aspect of the topic, which I received on the following pages werde.2

regard to the specific problem of child abuse by clergy, in itself, emphasize that such practices in various cultures well tolerated and were even encouraged, even across many representatives of many over long periods of time. It should attract the attention and we must ask ourselves why so relatively suddenly shows up now and the moral outrage over something that is well known in relevant circles long ago as just such a long-standing practice? Can we take seriously because medieval reformers like Hildebrand [the future Pope Gregory VII], or others before him responsible for these things? Or cut the forced celibacy in the context of enforcement, which aimed at the power of the Christian bishops in Germany? The practices take place for a long time hidden in the shadow of the Cross and elsewhere. So why the unusual, specific, localized over-emphasis of this ugly matter today?

the attentive observer should be clear that is what this scandal is about much more than common cases of pederasty. What is the key, in which Father D'Arcy's statements do not necessarily include, but is left out?

I'm not saying that he evades the question, as I after listening to the BBC's short because doubt that Father D'Arcy was really directed his attention to the issue raised by me deeper question. But at least for the moment I have him or even higher Points, though admittedly in retrospect, just blame it - not because he wanted to avoid the subject, but because he wanted to avoid for some reason, perhaps because these more fundamental issues of higher ranks should be treated in the church.

It was Father Brian D'Arcy be aware that the most pressing practical problem that confronts the world today, not a cluster of child abuse cases in various institutions, but the systematic mass murder by governments like the former British under Blair and the current President Barack Obama in the U.S.. What Tony Blair and his Nero-like followers President Barack Obama today operate in crimes against humanity, a new edition of the malicious methods Adolf Hitler's. The allegations of sexual molestation of children, raises some clergymen have, by far not the meaning of the Hitler-like mass murder of innocents, the Tony Blair and his companion of President Obama have now set in motion.

One must ask therefore: What is the crucial point in the middle of the global strategic situation, has spoken at Father D'Arcy? Where the real truth in this matter?

A question of crime

The real truth of the whole matter lies in a fundamental Fact that we must not lose sight of: that the Catholic Church, all other issues they might consider it, the world continues to be the rallying point against the current, criminal British doctrine of global genocide, 3 against Hitler similar British crimes against humanity, as currently practiced in the extreme jointly by the British monarchy and the U.S. presidential Barack Obama.

The papacy is a gathering point remains the main obstacle against the policy of infanticide and similar Hitler-like atrocities that are being run by the British House of Windsor and his known accomplices.

The point should be expressed.

Some of the accomplices has taken particular, the operator of that Hitler-like "Health Policy", U.S. President Barack Obama from his mentor, the disgusting former British Prime Minister Tony Blair to recognize one must that these are crimes, were executed for the Nazi leaders at the so-called Nuremberg trials, these crimes have Blair and now Obama made to her law practice

This situation forces us to confront the "hidden motive" for the relatively sudden, sharp media attacks. The Catholic Church in connection with child abuse allegations, which have multiplied since the first incident in Boston a few years ago. The Catholic Church ran into this issue at a time under massive attack, when the British monarchy through the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) intentionally her deceptive and mass-murderous campaign against the so-called "global warming". Escalated

The Catholic Church was targeted have used the circles to the British monarchy, including President Barack Obama, who became known abuse cases in order to neutralize the church, because it is the single biggest obstacle to the enforcement of Nazi-like so-called "health reforms" Tony Blair and the Duke of Edinburgh in Great Britain and President Obama has been in Washington.

one considers the magnitude of the systematic mass murder, which the Obama administration is now following the model of Tony Blair's policy in transition, the campaign against some Catholic priests did not reflect a sincere concern for the welfare of children. Criticism of the Catholic clergy has not been intended to bring the Päderastieproblem, but should a church into a corner, which had expressed himself very critical of the British and President Obama's Hitler-like so-called "health policy" of the global tragedy.

abuse of Children is bad, but the genocide policy of the government Obama is infinitely worse. A genocide that is operated under the misleading name of "health reform", a Nazi-like crimes against humanity -. A truly diabolical policy

It must always be emphasized strongly that the policy of the British monarchy and Obama's the same, which had carried out Hitler's regime during the war, a policy that was later described as "genocide" refers to millions. The same policy was developed by the former British government under Tony Blair and is now operated by the U.S. government under President Barack Obama. The methods of this Government politicians are just as satanic, and are likely to be considerably worse than that of the Roman Emperor Tiberius and Nero and Adolf Hitler!

When we speak of this global genocide policy of the House of Windsor and its foreign accomplices, but must also be said that unfortunately many morally in the population and among the American members of Congress against the greatest crime against humanity remain "soft" because they by the influence of Paolo Sarpi's philosophical liberalism have to be seduced.

on the way now must consider the underlying, more issues are discussed in the essence of the Mosaic doctrine itself, the great principle of Moses in the first chapter of Genesis is expressed.

this point of the genocidal policies of the British and Obama would have Father D'Arcy in his statement broadcast by the BBC can and should emphasize. I'm going now in the following order.

I. Nero, Obama, Tony Blair, Adolf Hitler and the state of science today is

fact, as I have just explained that the Päderastieproblem among clergy in basically the story is not new, but as a kind of tradition thousands of years back. Why then has waited until recently to that fact as additional leverage to use to try to destroy the United States from the inside - like the open treacherous Obama on instruction from the outside, destroyed by the British, Haiti and other countries?

Serious opponents of the treacherous behavior of the U.S. government would have to be a warning of how the whole campaign was directed against the priests in the service of a genocidal policy.

This is not "honest" to the more or less sudden discovery of widespread practices of clerical child molesters. Considering the long tradition of pederasty, especially the famous old British customs especially in high, but also lower strata of society, so directs our attention is more due to a truly horrible, systemic failure of other kinds, we will see in the practice among high-level British and other pederasty an expression of British liberalism, which, emerging from the traditional mass-murderous population policy of the Empire his deeply malignant influence continues to this day.

As I emphasized in my opening remarks, the problem is pederasty not really just a matter of today, but a long-term illness of culture - a disease that, among other things everywhere, affecting where the Empire people around the world still spreading.

One very significant policy issue that arises in society today is, therefore, among other considerations, the philosophy of evil, which is sometimes called "behaviorism" and the supporters of the malignant Paolo Sarpi - as Adam Smith and similar types - was spread everywhere, where the influence of the British Empire is present, this cultural influence within the meaning of "liberalism" corrupt the culture of nations from the tip to the base.. This has global implications with corresponding side effects can only be described as genocide, the population policy of the World Wildlife Fund of the malignant Britain's Prince Philip and his known accomplices is an example of such a criminal policy.

The problem is not limited to a publicly visible lack of morality even at the highest British circles. You meet it in all important areas of science today, as I will explain further in my presentation.

About Sex and Sarpi

With the preceding remarks, we thus come to the strategically important legacy of Paolo Sarpi, which dominates to this day the British Empire and its policies.

I hear at this point I suspected objections of various parties against my findings about Sarpi and British liberalism: "Paolo Sarpi? Is he not been dead for a long time? Why do you put his name today and over again to the language? "

The truth here is that people, especially influential people in history to exercise long after her death, a rather striking and immortal influence on modern society. People, especially prominent contemporaries of their days, whether good or - as in the case of Sarpi - malignant influence, future societies by a basic feature of human personality, which can even centuries after the death of the person concerned directly exercise active influence

true historian in the field. Science, law, and classical art are aware of this. Those historians who do not recognize the virtually immortal power of human ideas, to settle at a much lower level. That is not the level of real historians, but the nasty gossips, the so-called "chronicler".

and was about Sarpi.

Sarpi personally totally unprincipled man, the idea of principles was it completely alien. In Sarpi today continued influence on the world, it was possible that its in the name of "tradition" or "our liberal tradition practiced sick" brainwashing "continuous cultural Influence has taken virtually the entire world. This is the result of mere "tradition", not the expression of an active knowledge of principles, or to the essential differences between true principles and bare handed, common misconceptions

From the perspective of modern science. - In contrast to Laputa tradition of modern positivism - is empiricism, the special pro-satanic dogma Paolo Sarpi, the founder of modern liberalism. This dogma has never been a science intends but is the expression of certain habits that have been propagated by the type of "brainwashing sequences" or any selected precedents on and on.

The most appropriate illustration of this method of the morally corrosive liberalism is the comparison with the history of the swindle of Aristotle trailer Euclid, the in Bernhard Riemann's 1854 habilitation dissertation from the start as the physics hostile tradition of common mathematical theory exposes. The modern positivism has its origins in ancient times there.

was the intention to use real science instead of mere mathematics, as do the anti-scientific, mathematical positivism of modern times, although the mathematics itself, strictly judged by the truth is fundamentally unable to define physical principles. This corrupt Understanding of physics, science regarded only as a mathematical question, examples from the likes of positivist Ernst Mach, David Hilbert and the unspeakably evil Bertrand Russell, together with its annex.

use the positivists purely mathematical and similar formulas, which contain no real principle, but use it as a substitute for real physics only mathematical descriptions, Bertrand Russell and his followers are a glaring example of such an underhand game. Sarpi's villainy, which we now call liberalism is usually the root of all major forms of systemic immorality in transatlantic countries in scientific issues such as also in social policy in the broader sense. In essence, the positivism corrupting a method of social control on certain target groups or whole societies, as was first practiced in England under James I..

This King James was, ironically, the essentially ignorant symbol of an official, monarchical, empirical theology, which administered the fatal tradition of high priests such as the fraudsters Galileo Galilei. After Galileo and his successors as fraudulent Descartes was the embodiment of the alleged "principles" behind the British, imperial theology, which had supplied including the Venetian Science enemy and swindlers Abbot Antonio Conti, by and by "perfected." This way, Conti must, judging from the few available figures for the ugliest faces have had the contemporaries of his student Voltaire was known. Typical of the human filth who must be included in the same collection, are Sun depraved creatures such as John Locke, Adam Smith and Jeremy Bentham.

The historical facts, I present here, has committed the following specific meaning.

Sarpi's biggest lie

Most followers of the British Empirismuskults and his descendants the mistake of they assume incorrectly, Paolo Sarpi himself would have any Believe a word he has spoken or written.

Sarpi did not feel attracted to science, he loathed. He was only looking for a way to brainwash gullible people of his time that would be less inefficient than the one they had previously practiced under the cultural conditions of the backward, Aristotelian dogma of antiquity and the Middle Ages. Sarpi led to his mission a new method - a new system, the mass of the population to deceive, to replace the earlier methods based on the cruder, now worn and discredited Aristotelian fraud, the Agent nor the Venetian Francesco Zorzi was used as a marriage counselor of King Henry VIII. This hoax was until then, been from the time of Aristotle to the emerging influence of Sarpi, the preferred method of sophistical European oligarchy.

short, Sarpi was a quack, who made the integrated strategic and qualitative failure of the Council of Trent assist to create a more workable new system of social control, which imposed a generation of bona fide victim after another mental shackles.

responded with this plan Sarpi on the circumstances at the time of the conflict between the cultural renaissance of the 15th Century by figures such as Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa and the opposite end of the 16 attempts enforce century, a more practical new edition of the medieval, oligarchic system of rule that had been displaced by the Renaissance. In this regard, the rule of James I in England to send a suitable starting point, the then civilization back to the devil. This conflict between the heirs of the Golden Renaissance of the 15th Century and the satanic forces of Sarpi's Liberalism is from that time on in a titanic struggle of the relevant, competing intellectual forces in the world.

The real enemies of the Group of researchers, Nicholas of Cusa and his redefinition of modern society, many other measures taken against the Cusan influence. Typically, the repression by the pro-feudal reactionaries who were usually led by the Habsburgs. All countermeasures designed by Cusa modern society were designed to repeatedly failed oligarchic traditions of the Middle Ages and the Habsburg rule to return, as Friedrich Schiller's Wallenstein trilogy darstellt.4

An example: the common enemy of Trent and Sarpi, the opposition to the oligarchs of the 16th European Century, found its embodiment in the typical Italian patriot and Leonardo da Vinci-trailer Niccolò Machiavelli.5 Machiavelli had produced world-shaking progress in the form of the spiritual foundations of modern European military strategy and the general political theory. Sarpi had begun to turn the oligarchy of all the groups and then later so hated and feared Machiavelli's influence.

Sarpi resorted to two obvious targets. These were on the one hand, the inherent failure of doctrine by the Venetian master spy Francesco Zorzi and his vile project De Harmonia Mundi [1525], and also the failure of the Council of Trent, which was supposed to serve, the impact of the new Renaissance culture of the 15th Century . Combat These reactionary forces fought together in turn the policy that was the influence of the brilliant defender of Leonardo da Vinci's concept of statecraft, the Republican strategist and statesman Niccolò Machiavelli, combined.

The changes in the social organization of Europe since the 15th Century, which fell mainly on Nicholas of Cusa's Concordantia Catholica6 and his founding of modern science in De Docta Ignorantia changed the economic and related social customs so fundamental that a quality modern European society was formed. Cusa's influence had the conditions of practical statecraft so far changed, that the Aristotelian doctrine was not an effective means more to the societies that were based on the momentum of European maritime culture, kept under control. The more developed a modern strategic principles of Machiavelli reality complemented the previous achievements of Cusa and his core supporters.

Since these are mutually exclusive factors - the Renaissance Aristotelianism and Christianity - both stood against him, Sarpi had received a double compromise.

one hand, allowed Sarpi, unlike the Aristotelians, a certain flexibility for change in relation to the technical Progress. On the other hand, he set the condition that while no scientific principles - have been considered - that is not real science. In this way he adapted himself to the strategic realities, as with the development of modern European maritime culture from the time of the important ecumenical Council of Florence to the beginning of the 17th Century represented, but he would also prevent the same time that the existence of real discoveries of universal physical principles, or principles of classical art was ever taken even contemplate.

This is the reason that the liberal version of the modern European scientific tradition no real scientific principles are allowed. Thus, almost everywhere in today's academic lives of Euclid-based, a priori tradition set the tone in which has to serve a purely mathematical deduction, as for the positivists, widely regarded as a substitute for a higher instance of real science.

So we find ourselves today in the scandalous in itself capable of that - like Bernhard Riemann in the beginning and end of his thesis from 1854 warning - in the mathematical system of avowed supporters of Sarpian dogma, like our present-day positivists, 7 no real physical principle There.

Based on this strategic assessment of the role of Sarpi do we now deal with it, as in the U.S., Obama came to the betrayal bordering turn, a betrayal in the service of a foreign power, the British Empire, has become the most important strategic issue has become all over the world.

betrayal as a cultural

The point here follows from the fact that the followers of Sarpi, Galileo, Descartes and the abbot Antonio Schin Ella Conti, were used 8, to lay the foundation for the subsequent extension of Sarpian dogma, and always abart's teacher in science and culture developed, which ended with consistently evil, namely the modern imperialist positivism not only for Karl Weierstrass, Felix Klein and David Hilbert, but also the more extreme immorality of HG Wells and Bertrand Russell.

This rotation of the very idea of science by Sarpi and his admirers has continued until this day in the central control by the mathematical positivism of the 20th Century, including the various followers of Karl Weierstrass, David Hilbert and the deeply despicable Bertrand Russell, Norbert Wiener and John von Neumann. The confrontation between Max Born and Albert Einstein used it to launch a series of experiments, actually competent modern physics of Riemann, Planck, Einstein, Vernadsky, including from its hinges heben.9

Liberal followers of Paolo Sarpi and a number of positivists such as Karl Weierstrass, Felix Klein, David Hilbert and the totally depraved Bertrand Russell all have a common origin, because this form of positivism itself arose through the influence of Sarpi's philosophical liberalism, the Galileo and Sarpi tool later partisans like Descartes in the 18th Neucartesianer century as Leonhard Euler and his followers made the standard. In both variants of the so continued teaching Sarpi are not actual physical principles, either in physics or elsewhere shall be permitted. Mere statistics, particularly mathematical formulations to be dead forever, serve as a substitute for a physics based on physical principles and crucial experiments.

A typical example of the immorality of the followers of Sarpi is Adam Smith when he in 1759 in his Theory of Moral Sentiments, the common principle of all modern liberalism has since expressed: One should use no knowable principles to explain why the sensory experience seems so how it works apparently. The attack on the method by Bernhard Riemann, Weierstrass, Clausius and others and prepared by the influence of a series of purely mathematical problems of the positivist David Hilbert the ground for an even higher degree of madness in the 20th Century by Bertrand Russell and his followers - a group that Hilbert himself loathed to right. The moral and intellectual decay process in practical science exercise today was well ahead of most teaching areas of Soviet science does not stop on the particular Russell's neo-Malthusian ideas of a radical positivist system analysis influence nahmen.10

The intellectually Fatale at the empiricists and their positivist descendants is: Because Sarpi would tolerate no proven universal physical or related principles, the mathematics as such - which can be surpassed by machines and often is - a substitute for the function of human Spirit (as opposed to mere, biological, brain), as it started around Albert Einstein and VI Vernadsky.

example, made the Sarpi push it possible that enemies of science could claim to be implied by fraud as a scientist, by the method of Sarpi and Adam Smith's next only radically reductionist accounts (loosely based on the books of Venetian usurers) presented. These accounts were used as a substitute for real science, as the latter represents a somewhat later in time by the evolving physical chemistry in the work of researchers such as William Draper Harkins, Max Planck, VI Vernadsky and Albert Einstein was among other things.

The machinations of the Sarpi-trailer gave us the notorious case of Sir Isaac Newton, who has been proven not only really own scientific discovery, but its silly imposture still today in many areas of the so-called "higher education" almost anywhere in the world as a substitute for actually discovered universal physical principles must serve.

All this would have been nothing new for the great Filippo Brunelleschi, for not otherwise possible construction of the dome of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence, the non-Euclidean chain line used, and not for Nicholas of Kues, who demonstrated that in Archimedes a question of principle was wrong, as Archimedes - contrary to the method of Plato's friend, the great Pythagorean Archytas of Tarentum, as well as the Eratosthenes later - was on the wrong assumption that the circle could be generated by using the quadrature principle of plane geometry. Or you can also look at how Johannes Kepler by the anti-Euclidean, experimental proof of principle for the orbits of Mars and Earth in the field of elliptic functions explained.

It is this liberal and positivist degeneration of modern European culture, with which the Catholic Church has difficulty. This is particularly true under the oppressive conditions in accordance with an environment of the modern European positivism and of the intellectual and moral depravity of the Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF) 11 post-war period was marked, which still exists today as immoral element generally in the culture and institutions of the United States.

II science, pseudoscience, and religion is

In this moral decline of the postwar period, the deeper root of the problem today, with which Father Brian D'Arcy recently had to deal again.

That means that in proportion as they tried to uphold the memory of Aristotle, is the official Catholic doctrine ill-equipped in a Way around the world who do not fit together with the efforts to defend the image of a medieval Aristotelian tradition in European science.

After the end of the era of good popes like John XXIII. and Paul VI. experienced the papacy after 1968 almost to the end of the tenure of John Paul II, a transitional phase decomposing trends. Some wanted to pursue a direction leading away from the achievements of the postwar popes, to try to adapt in a kind of rearguard action at the decaying culture of the British liberal-dominated financial world. Typical of this high finance world since 1971-72, the Inter-Alpha-Bank Group. Anyone with Needs of the Catholic Church throughout history employed should see in this Inter-Alpha Group, which is at the center of the British imperial financial interests, a reflection of the old Venetian tradition that used with the dirty tricks of a Venetian Geldkabale the ruin of the Italian commercial banks and the European nations threading. Unfortunately, there are still many nations that can be easily lead by similar tricks behind the light.

This cultural decay away from an environment that surrounded the church leaders who made their life experience as an adult substantially between the two world wars and the war, work on the environment of the later generation are compared, which ran in a different direction than increasing the immoral influence of the so-called "68" began. This difficulty paralyzing currently the western and the eastern branch of the Christian Church hierarchies and its associated cultures.

The core of the problem, with it the secular society and the Catholic Church have to do is certainly not an expression of Christianity by apostles like Paul and John (or of Pope John Paul II) was. Their difficulty in their day to another, they were not yet just as Philo, the friend of the Apostle Peter, indirectly, against what would become the medieval culture of ancient Rome and Byzantium, the degeneration . Then in the "new dark age" of the 14th century culminated in Philo's attack on the Aristotelian doctrine is an example

For the Protestant currents of modern times it may seem as an advantage in that they avoided certain medieval traditions;. But when she tried to Aristotle by to replace Sarpi, they experienced their own morally devastating setbacks in their attempts, with the relics of the Delphic Aristotelianism and the Sarpian modernism cope. The apostolic Christianity of the Gospels of the New Testament in the strict sense, this particular problem much less stress. The deficiencies our time arise mainly from the fact that it we could not succeed is to free us from the modern legacy of Aristotle and Sarpi.

against the statement I have just made, there is no reasonable objection. Objections? Yes. But not "reasonable." Let me illustrate.

First, you have clearly in mind that for example the letters of Paul are not in a fundamental conflict with the modern experimental, anti-positivist science. The spiritual orientation of Christianity in the century of its foundation was platonic. The great Jewish thinker Philo of Alexandria, who was connected with the Apostle Peter was an example of the general situation at the time. Philos explicit attack on the obvious, Aristotelian fraud is a good illustration. In this context, we encounter the core of the problems we want to treat here.

Today's public has to be asked in the form: Does Christianity, at least nominally, is still the dominant matrix of the current transatlantic culture in its true form real and effective in the universe of Kepler, Leibniz, Riemann, Einstein, and Planck, in which we live - as opposed to the illusory belief in an unreachable universe in which we see only the shadow of an imaginary paradise outside of our physical universe? I want to say that it for the science is no "other place" is, you can call the "sky", except the universe in which we live as human beings. There is only the devotion to this cause in the real universe in which the influence of the Creator ultimately with us men assigned participation regiert.12

For example, Albert Einstein's definition of a "finite, but not limited" universe characterized by his description of Kepler uniquely original discovery of universal gravitation, the real universe as we experience it from within. "Heaven" is as defined in regulation by Albert Einstein's statement about the ontological work of Kepler, which inhabits the universe.

The idea of participation of people in the universe and the work of a creator as active participation in the one and only and eternal creation - as opposed to an imagined "other world" - is the basic principle that the theology of an experience in accordance with the Mosaic Genesis is derived.

That is, that man is a deliberate creative being, endowed with creative powers that are only peculiar to him and that we associate with the experience of the power of the human soul. Mankind and no other living species is this creativity, especially with scientific creativity equipped. It differs the human individual in principle from the animal and allows it to be a long time after his death, biological immortality is currently active as part of the universe. This idea that man and woman in the image of the Creator are born will not be tolerated in the scheme of Aristotelian or modern empiricist theology, understood in any event in any way.

There are no other universes than our own - although we must admit that our human idea of this space where we live, usually leaves a lot to be desired.

The entire universe is a creative process in the strictest sense of the word. Pursuant to WI Vernadsky work all three are now known phase space of the universe - the lithosphere, the biosphere and the noosphere - permeated by constant creativity. But among the currently known inhabitants of the universe, only the man is a creative being voluntarily.

From this, and only from this point of view can scientists explain the importance of scientific creativity, provided they are not reductionists like our contemporary positivists. Positivist can not ever reach a state that it becomes a theological definition of "heaven", and he probably has as Adam Smith hellish fear about to live in a universe that exists in the real human creativity.

on what I have just written, nothing is quite speculative. For clear-thinking people are clear evidence available. In this sense, there is no "natural" or fundamental separation between theology and science, as is emphasized in the first chapter of Genesis. Who does not suffer from a serious mental or moral deterioration which is ontologically already in "heaven" when he is not even denied access to this site, which is not far away and is in some distant future but in our personal and active responsibility for the states in memory of the here and now.

expressed in theological language: Who is a satisfied man, in the sense of science almost been a citizen of heaven, because in the real universe, it is responsible not only present but also acts on it. Who does not do the will of heaven not help you.

In this sense, one finds the spirit of evil today most popular in the teachings of Aristotle and Sarpi, such as in the Malthusian fanatic, barbaric ideology of the current British monarchy.

Both types of Delphi, the Aristotelian and the Sarpian have as enemies of our civilization some together. Both deny the most important aspect of our being in our experience of the universe in which we live. I mean the experience of true creativity, which is defined not by sense perception, but physical as by the finding truly universal principles.

We encounter the same creative principle (the anti-entropy) build the galaxies that are creative in their own way to realize if even without their being. We meet creativity in all forms of life, they evolve to higher forms of life, but consciously and willingly does so by all known living creatures only man. Only a man and woman who are made to Genesis 1 in the image of the Creator, are under the dominion of the Creator, the great exception.

expresses this extraordinary spiritual quality of man is also in the life purpose of a moral human individual: the individual discovered universal principles or follows at least those discoveries that will enable the human race, at least potentially in a position, through advances in science and classical art a higher state of being to achieve. Of mortal man dies, but the discovery of a principle continue to work and spread through the whole physical space-time in generations yet to come in the thousands. We live on forever in this universe, even when people deny this reality often.

to illustrate this point:

The common, a priori setting of the crude materialists, such as the Aristotelian and the modern mathematical positivists, amounts to the fact that they deny the very existence of the universe. This fact demonstrated by the fact that they are real or merely imaginary phenomena, such as mere sensations, mixed up with the reality of the universe and deny then the actual existence of universal principles.

For example, the discovery of the geometry of Bernhard Riemann's led to the realization that any attempt to separate, space, time and matter into separate, fixed dimensions, a systemic fraud. It led to the discovery of modern science on the basis of the experimentally proven concepts of physical chemistry - rather than just the physics - and the concept of physical space-time, as it was developed by Albert Einstein circles.

An example: The notion of Euclidean geometry, which is based on the Aristotelian priori, has always been an anti-scientific fraud, which continued in Newtonian thinking, and - according to Leibniz - the vertigo of de Moivre, D'Alembert, Leonhard Euler, and the deceived by Euler, Lagrange, Laplace and was caught a plagiarist an important discovery by Niels Abel Augustin Cauchy.

Both the implicit and the explicit positivists, such as the Aristotelian, the "materialists" in general and the modern positivists want to exclude the truth of a materialistic world view, like that of an Aristotelian or modern positivists, deny a higher purpose of existence of man -. namely, the progress achieved by a higher target, than had been achieved so far in practice. The efforts of these individuals to contribute to the universe that we experience are the only evidence of a truly human morality. Basically, no real performance of an individual life achieved in any other way.

like some to doubt you could

ask me now. "? That may be so or not, but why do you say that"

Take the case of space exploration in the surrounding environment in the solar system is what the exemplary moral function of space exploration What does it to define the existence of the human species, to work to "get there"?

To make this point clearer, we consider the case of fundamentally satanic idea of "technological zero growth." The right picture to the Satan-like Olympian Zeus in Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus, the man forbids the use of fire to condemn the human race about how creatures with no real living human souls, and always go on as their fathers and grandfathers before them.

In contrast to the so-defined, quasi-evil inclinations of the so-called "environmentalist" is the existence of mankind is intrinsically connected with the idea that man is distinguished in nature by a creative impulse with which we ourselves tasks to improve our future existence in the universe and make it solves. Whether this is now directly or through indirect contributions to the final purpose is expressed, the individual always has the inherent task of taking part in his life in the further development of the universe. It is in the research and colonization of the heavenly bodies in the relatively nearby space see a kind of summary of what does this mission of humanity. Such tasks, we meet only through progress in science and related fields in the discovery, what is the nature of this mission is and what forces are necessary for their realization.

The formation of the cognitive powers of "free will" of each simultaneously provides the means to that end, and in this teleological way to design contributions to human progress and achieve. We are in the service of the Creator with the our assigned task, the effect of the creative forces of mankind to encourage more and more, as is expressed indirectly in Genesis 1.

for natural science and morality, such a commitment to the anti-entropic state of the universe and the same task, and passion.

These questions lead us to the final chapter of this report.

III. Sex, science and eternity

This brings us now to the big question I have indicated in the opening remarks of this publication only.

My point: The purpose of procreation of human individuals and the actual meaning of the existence of these people lies in the role of humanity - in contrast to all lower forms of life to create a future, how it can come only as a means of existence to realize the purpose of human existence in this universe -.

The expression of this proposed mission is 'read' the evidence of the specific differences between all people and all other currently known forms of life. That is, the specific nature of humanity are those creative mental powers of individuals that exist in any other class of living creatures. This difference is also reflected in the immortality of the impact that discovered all those ideas is inherent to continue living and increase the potential for human society, even if it is discovered dead a long time.

As history shows, reproduce all the other living species only their biological counterparts, while the standard function of the human mind is to produce discoveries of universal principles - such principles for its intrinsic purpose of the leap of humanity from the Earth to a comprehensive development in nearby space is typical. Every advance in science and in the great classical composition in art proves this.

We persuade people, because their development is a key to the intention of the universe in which we live.

The ultimate meaning of human sexual act is thus a continuation and development an intention, the consequence that the production of more people, the existence of the specific work of advancing the human species continues. This is the work of the qualitative improvement of living conditions and progress of mankind, and thus the increase of the creative faculties of the individual in the service of a desire for progress, such as the jump of the humanity out of the ends of the earth in the colonization of our solar system, and thereafter further space.

The purpose is not in the sexual act, which is only a necessary means. It is an act that is the joy of the people from performing the inherent purpose of our species taken.

After this is expressed, should we further insight have been obtained.

The generally prevailing immorality in most human cultures, which we know from history is the tendency to "zero growth" as they found them in most European and other cultures in the past. This property immoral culture manifests itself usually in the assertion that the universe is - at least implicitly -. entropic, and the man has no special power of creation, but must be content with added live in front of the about the legendary Olympian Zeus claimed in the drama of Aeschylus, or the infamous Aristotle, even God would have prevented themselves to continue to contribute to the creation after the original creation of the universe was complete.

Thus have all forms of immorality, which are expressed in human societies, rooted in the fact that it a commitment to creativity, which is eternally zero growth policy does not comply. Tolerating this evil worship of a vision of eternal entropy is the true root of evil in the societies and cultures in the known world history. This degeneracy of the general policy of the state is the evil in the actions of people created and thus turns the purpose of the fate of people in a force of destruction, which also includes forms such as the sexual abuse of children.

The intention of the existence of man in contrast to the other living species is an ever-advancing development and work of humanity works within the meaning of terms such as "greater glory of God." This honor depends, not least between men and women, the creative age, but also in their power have become more mature, the development of intellectual and creative forces in the human individual to produce. that's the mission, which expresses the sense of the idea of birth and development of new human individual
. If one sweeps aside
this sacred obligation to the clear meaning of human existence can be derived and Development, then examined the evil home the earth, as it was then imitate under Adolf Hitler, whose methods of mass murder, the government now Obama starts by Hitler's first step in the genocide (euthanasia) reproduces.

With the outrageous act of Congress last weekend (March 14) we have reached the point where the survival of the United States depends on it, that President Barack Obama will be discontinued. This does not happen, then all who agree with the Obama's fascist law - even if our entire nation - even bring the punishment on himself. There is now no worse act of treason, as this error is not corrected immediately.


first The command for the crucifixion was only on the orders of the Roman Emperor Tiberius, Pontius Pilate or his representatives, passed by the Emperor's son.

second See Nicholas of Cusa, De Pace Fidei.

third That is infanticide.

4th . The idea that the Wallenstein trilogy (as well as in real life) was a "tragic failure" has been, nonsense, the silly soap opera fans among the Bildungssophisten today's generations foisted will It was - in real life as well as Friedrich Schiller - the company that failed tragic and much-needed addition to the theatrical stage, a qualitative change. Wallenstein failed only in that he did not question the need for all that, what was the evil reign of the Habsburgs, consistently off. The great tragic works since Aeschylus were never soap opera-like fantasies about heroes and losers, but are always the task of the peoples to whom they are addressed to win, but, from the retracted negative institutions and systems - such as those on the real British Isles free - by Lear, Macbeth and Hamlet. As Friedrich Schiller wrote, it is the duty of the drama, the citizen who is sitting on the balcony of the theater, to be encouraged to become a hero himself, where the powerful on the stage of humanity have proven to be unworthy, and leave the theater after the performance with the decision to no longer be mere spectators in life, but a true patriot to be.

5th Luca Pacioli, Leonardo da Vinci and Johannes Kepler were that concerned the development of a competent modern physical science, said supporters of Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa. Machiavelli was moving in the struggle for the establishment of the Republic of Florence within Leonardo.

6th What approaches Dante Alighieri's De Monarchia such as have been repaid.

7th If we study carefully Bernhard Riemann's Habilitationsschrift of 1854, it expresses from the great principle, the Nicholas of Cusa in his De Docta Ignorantia points out, the principle upon which the entire modern science today.

8th To score very prominent and famous names from the mid-18th Century, such as Abraham de Moivre and his accomplices Jean le Rond D'Alembert, Leonhard Euler, Joseph Lagrange, Laplace, PS and 19th Century, Augustin Cauchy, Clausius, Rudolf and Hermann Grassmann.

9th The most significant theological implications of positivism are discussed below.

10th In today's Russia are Anatoly Chubais, Minister Alexei Kudrin and the Gorbachev circles typical of this specifically British corruption of much of the Soviet and Russian science.

11th In the American secret service during World War II, the Office of Strategic Services, there were essentially two groups: the first was the American patriot, the other of the circles of the State Street and Wall Street, kissed the back part of London. Under President Truman and the supremacy of the Anglophile Dulles brothers in the formation of the CIA, the Patriots were quickly pushed aside. The CCF [a creation of the CIA] was a bastion of moral and cultural barbarism on the basis of the extremely satanic existentialism of the so-called "Frankfurt School" and similar institutions degenerate.

12th of this scientific Question goes to those Ontologiebegriffe the human "soul" that define the difference between the immortality of the human spirit and the mortality of the human brain.


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