Sunday, December 19, 2010

1982 John Deere Starter Trailfire

Full Moon Ritual Shamanism

On 21st the fraction of a month will see the full-moon ritual instead. It will be a wonderful night, when the shaman Dhan Ribeiro celebrates with the ritual for our Grandmother and her twelve goddesses . Our reputation will be for blessings of peace and light. The start is at 21:00 clock. We will go to have shamanic space, guided by the sound of drums and rattles ... there will be a nice camp fire lit. It will create mantras, mandalas and prayer and given to the goddess of the night and her court.
If sleep comes and dreams come near, open our sleeping bags and immerse yourself in our world of dreams. All together in the same energy of love and healing. Then at dawn we get up and go back to the place of the grandfather to make a fire to clean house. Finally, for example at about 06:00 clock, after we have thanked us and looked deep into the eyes awaits us a good warm meal. The heart is celebrating. It is hard, it is the Divine Mother.

Bring your sleeping bag, a musical instrument, a fruit of the gift and craft material.


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