Monday, July 6, 2009

White Ceramic Towel Bar


Next followed by Ambrosia Alesana from the album On Frail Wings Of Vanity And Wax :

This is a bit longer, I post this time even with the original text, otherwise click on the name of the song, then you come to LyricWiki for this song, which I also manage . bye and enjoy the music interpret


A touch of poison seals my fate the dawn echoes the night
with my glory ... the sun himself honors me once king of gold

roses, now lord of
blessed with the gift of gilded touch the Gods themselves envy my
hand fate wields its knife
to cut the thread I curse the day

my dream became my descent suddenly I long
for you, my only love

in my perfection I have no want
yet eyes still glint with greed untold
a folly as fatal as sin
has now become the end of me

I curse the day my dream became my descent
suddenly I long for you, my only love

have I not earned this, the gift of beauty within?
how selfish were the Gods to keep their riches from my rightful treasure?
I truly have become one of fatal flaw

oh yeah! Ive got her hook, line, and sinker!
thanks to me, shes her own new necklace!
now shes good as gold!

I curse the day my dream became my descent
suddenly I long for you, my only love

...cut the thread ...

translation :


sealed a poisonous touch of my fate,
The twilight of the night tells of my fame,

honors the sun myself, once considered the king of roses, now as the Lord of gold.
Blessed with the gift of gilded touch.
The gods themselves envy my hand fate
varies his knife to cut through to the thread.

I curse the day when my dream
was also my descent Suddenly I long for
for you,
my only love.

In my perfection I have no requests,
A madness so disastrous as a sin, yet your eyes still sparkle
with immeasurable greed. If the
now be my end?

I curse the day when my dream
was also my descent Suddenly I long for
for you,
my only love.

Did I not deserve the gift of beauty inherent?
How selfish were the gods they believed
such riches from my rightful treasure away?
I am truly become one of them ... my fatal mistake
oh yeah!

I got her hook, line and sinker! Thanks
me, she is her own new necklace!
Now she is as good as gold!

I curse the day when my dream
was also my descent Suddenly I long for
for you,
my only love.

Intersect thread ...

interpretation :

Also with this song again requires a basic knowledge of mythology.

King Midas: The phrase: "Everything he touches is gold too .." in all its modified forms comes from the mythology of a king named Midas.
I describe the story shortened, if you want to know more about it: Google -> "King Midas ".

(There are many different versions of this story. I have chosen this Source . In Wikipedia in turn is another.)

King Midas did Dionysus, the god of wine girechischem, a favor and had a wish. He wished that everything he touches to gold. So it should be. But Midas knew very soon that may be a gift and a curse. He could eat nothing more, or drink, because everything is yes turned into gold. DYONISUS So he begged to take the curse from him. Midas had to wash away in a river, from which one since day one (was Midas again, "cured") claimed in its sand is gold.

first stanza :

"A toxic touch sealed my fate,
The twilight of the night reports from my glory,"

The word poison in this context means, according to my opinion that it is deadly to all life. For if one is gold, one is dead. Point! This word was chosen deliberately to anticipate that a life with this gift seems tempting, but that reality catches up with one quickly.
The second line is to say very likely that the gift came overnight. So very suddenly.

"The sun himself honors me, once considered the king of roses, now
as the Lord of the gold. Blessed with the gift of gilded touch.
The gods themselves envy my hand
The fate wields his knife to cut through to the thread. "

The king of roses. The reason is that you said of Midas, grow that in his garden roses by themselves. He just a green thumb;.)
As a master of the gold meant that he was considered the god of gold because in the Church of England language is the name of The Lord, the German "master," for God
The significance of the blade and the thread. : This is probably Norns Norns are a kind of fate Sisters Three piece, they represent about the past... present and future. You have a kind of destiny cable. If it tears you die. Similar to a lifeline.


"I curse the day when my dream
was also my descent Suddenly I long for
for you,
my only love."

It was the one day that the Midas recognized his "blessing" is a curse. but more on that later. I want at this point so do not tell everything. ;)

Verse 2:

had "In my perfection I have no requests,
A madness so disastrous as a sin yet eyes still sparkle
. immeasurably with greed. could I have infinitely more money, why would I need more
In the craziness seen that he expressed the wish not to the consequences??
If the now to be my end "

In the first line he is not more than say .. Where sin to think it could also stand for Pirates
the rest is clear and we are approaching the high point ..... * drumroll *

Verse 3 .

"Did I not deserve the the gift of beauty inherent?
How selfish were the gods that they thought such riches from my rightful treasure away? I'm
truly one of them become ...
My fatal mistake "

In the first three lines is the greed and the madness of high Midas I use the king as a person, but the songwriter might naturally have thought of any other people;.) .. It is only understandable in the same figure, however, could remain
is the first line again have a special meaning, and indeed when you consider that this gift would be a woman;) .... see below;)

Let . now his fatal mistake (The Oh Yeah, I deleted because I think that it has no importance;) than to sing along: D)

verse 4 .

"I got her hook, line and sinker
me thanks, she is her own new necklace
Now she is as good as gold

Intersect thread ...!"

I think the first line is open to interpretation by the motto: "I'm hooked"
or "swallowed your bait" He has nothing wanted more than to live in infinite wealth. And now this: He
the woman he loved more than anything in gold has changed. "She has her own new necklace" women are indeed on jewelry and now she is her own, as he touched her. Now she is as beautiful as gold. At the end he asks now, after he has made this terrible mistake, that the fate of this curse take from him. The sisters are above the rope cut. Kill him.

was in the original story of King Midas there so that he touched his daughter and she has become gold.


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