Thursday, February 22, 2007

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stigmata. They carry the wounds of Christ

Michael Hesemann stigmata. They carry the wounds of Christ (Paperback)

Paperback: 461 pages
Publisher: Silver Cord; 1 edition (March 2006)
language: German
ISBN-10: 3898451259
ISBN-13: 978-3898451253

Are they heavenly miracles, manifestations of § berna ral or the result of auto-suggestion? They are among the most mysterious Phenomena of Christian mysticism. They appear overnight, or visions of the crucified and they are often accompanied by other manifestations: levitation, prophecy, etc. bilocation stigmata, the wounds of Christ's fascinating, for centuries believers and skeptics. Although recent cases have been fully investigated by psychiatrists and doctors, they still defy any conventional explanation. A swindle, a fraud is also excluded in almost all cases. In an exciting and fascinating non-fiction best-selling author Michael Hesemann told in a refreshingly modern way the story of the most stigmatized: the hl. Francis of Assisi, Saint. Catherine of Siena, Saint Padre Pio, the Italian National ... But it does not stop with this "classic" cases. Detailed reports on recent studies of Hesemann Stigmatisationsfällen 90s, at which leading psychiatrists, neurologists, and physicians were involved, and cited their spectacular results. They proved the incredible: Whether caused by heavenly forces or auto-suggestion - beyond the boundaries of the stigmata laws of nature.

About the Author

Michael Hesemann, the historian and cultural anthropologist who blows with an excellent spirit and scientific methods all boundaries. Michael Hesemann studied cultural anthropology, history, journalism, and Germanic. His books have been published in six languages with more than 400 000 copies. His film documentary "UFOs, the evidence" gained worldwide attention and was awarded in the U.S. with four film awards. Hesemann speaks at international conferences, including the U.S., the former Soviet Union and Brazil. He made many studies and research trips in the footsteps of unknown flying objects and mysterious circles.

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Monday, February 19, 2007

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Kabbalah (also Kabbalah) is the mystical tradition of Judaism . It will continue since Pico della Mirandola in non-Jewish mystical circles. The roots of the Kabbalah can be found in the Torah , the Scriptures of Judaism. In addition to centuries of oral tradition documents the extensive written Kabbalistic tradition different elements, including Gnostic, Neoplatonic and Christian .

history of the word
The term Kabbalah (Hebrew
קבלה) is based on the Hebrew root , q - b -. l back, meaning "tradition, acceptance and forwarding" The bearer of this tradition are called Baal Hakabbalah בעלה הקבלה or Mekuballim מקובלים, said at the last form because of the passive voice, the meaning of "taken by God to" float. It is known that was not in the earliest times, the word Kabbalah used in this sense. The carrier had (כן יודע) flowery names as familiar with the grace of beauty, endowed with reason (משכלים) and ways of the heart (חכמה הלב) and the object itself was (חכמה ניסתרה) the hidden wisdom.
How often in the mysticism of it is about the conscious and self-directed transition into an ecstasy, that is a way of the ego from the body. There are several techniques that are the secret teachings
to be studied and learned , deliver. This experience gave initiatic initially in a first purely oral later written tradition. Therefore, in the Kabbalah today the Relationship between teacher and students found to be essential. As a Jewish Studies professor and historian of Kabbalah Gershom Scholem had emigrated to Jerusalem, offered him a Kabbalist from Safed, on condition not to ask questions, to be his student. Scholem refused. Kabbalistic experience may waive the limit between subject and object. A Kabbalist breaks through the wall "harder than diamond and can explore the all-unity. Is this extent are various Kabbalistic writings and schools, but not dogmatic or testable teaching content. There is no universal Kabbalistic teaching. But there are kabbalistic techniques. Accordingly, all written legacy the Kabbalists strongly symbolic. The ultimate goal of Lurianic Kabbalah reveals itself in preparation for purifying messianic redemption of the world Kawwanah (כוונה).

reached after only four Jewish tradition alive and alone in paradise
Rabbi Akiba
returned unharmed. Most succeed only a few steps on the ladder or opening a few gates. However, retain all their special skills obtained and should they pass on to extra-biblical tradition even ( apocryphal book of Sirach 4:16). So shall the blessing - Beracha ברכה arise. To abuse to prevent these forces, students will be tested before admission. To separate "worthy" of "unworthy", one has divided the Kabbalah in a theoretical (קבלה עיונית) and practical (קבלה מעששית), the former the system is, and the latter magical and semantic Practices describes how amulet being , etc. Loswerfen
Kabbalistic techniques
The various methods of the Hebrew Scripture as interpreted by Mekubbalim do not represent modern word root research, but
hermeneutics. The Techniques of this hermeneutics, as Temura, Atbasch, Albam, etc. are numerous. Of hermeneutics is tied to nothing but the stringency. This finding does not correspond to the finding of one or the other truth, but it is a method to overcome the purely causal thinking. For only whom it is possible to resolve embossed abstract ideas in thought, can leave the prison of the subject.
Jewish Kabbalah [edit
] The first support came from the Kabbalistic tradition rabbinic Judaism
, especially from the students of Rabbi Yohanan ben Zakkai and Rabbi Akiba ben Joseph , both in Judea in first Century AD. impacts. Technical content of this tradition are Talmud in myths about the biblical story of creation (מעשה בראשית) and in the visions first Chapter of the prophet Ezekiel the divine chariot (מעשה מרכבה) narrated. In this respect one speaks of Merkaba mysticism. A note of ecstasy, at issue provides that the word Merkabah, which is the tribe rakav - רכב - horseback riding, rapture, is derived. As Kabbalistic Midrash is the Sefer Bahir
. It contains the first representation of the then seven Sefirot (The currently known 10 Sefirot are found only in Sohar ) and the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet than the original numbers and relationships that underpin the world. These come in the representation of kabbalistic tree World expressed. were in the high Middle Ages
the centers Kabbalistic movements of German Hasidism in the Rhineland (mid-12th to mid 13th century) and especially the so-called "prophetic Kabbalah" in Spain, the most important representatives Abulafia and Gikatilla were. arose from the tradition of English Jewry towards the end of the 13th Century, the most important Kabbalistic text at all. the Zohar (Sefer ha Zohar, in Hebrew, "The Book of Splendor") as its author is the English Kabbalist Moses de Leon († 1305 )
. Zohar contains various, sometimes very extensive treatises interpretations of the Torah, stories ben to mystical forms of Judaism, especially to Rabbi Shimon

Yochai and his students, as well as speculation on numbers and letters as the foundations of the world. The Zohar is probably next to the Tanach , the Jewish Holy Scriptures and the Talmud as the single most important document of Judaism.

After the persecution and expulsion of Jews from Spain in 1492

was the town of Safed Galilee in the center of Kabbalistic teaching. This seemed especially Isaac Luria (1534 - 1572), the major contributions to the conception of the creation developed in the world. These ideas include a "self-pulling out" of God in order to make room for the emerging world ( tzimtzum ), the "breaking of the vessels" in the Creation and the release of the divine spark of light ( Schebirath ha Kelim ), speculation about the Infinite (En Sof ) and a teaching about the souls ( gilgul ). The goal of all efforts of the people it is to heal it, in a process of improvement (tikkun ) initial state of the world from a divine existence to be restored.

These lessons are outlined in very detailed descriptions and highly detailed, highly intricate images. The Lurianic Kabbalah sees itself as a science of God, man and the world as a mystical Interpretation of a human exile and his redemption in the cosmological horizon.

which originated in Safed Kabbalah of Isaac Luria, has gained considerable influence in Judaism. Many elements of this doctrine were in the eastern European Hasidism

17th and 18 Century effectively. Under careful inclusion messianic elements and a certain simplification of the original building was very differentiated teaching the Kabbalah make a big importance in the popular Hasidic centers of Eastern Jewry. Kabbalistic tradition is maintained in the presence and developed, especially in the Hasidic communities in the U.S. and Israel. As one of the major Kabbalists of the 20th Century is Yehuda Ashlag
. See also: Pardes

Christian Kabbalah
Athanasius Kircher
coined the term "Christian Kabbalah" The question of whether there was a real Christian Kabbalah in the sense of a primary kabbalistic mysticism with Christian elements ever. can not be answered with absolute certainty. kabbalistic creative thinkers from the blank of Isaac Luria, who with his vision of Adam Kadmon created a very own vital gnostic-Kabbalistic creation myth, lack of Christian Kabbalah. On the other hand clearly is an extremely fruitful Kabbalistic writing good reception in early humanism. Allen led the way Giovanni Pico della Mirandola in "Philosophica Conclusiones, et theologicae sive theses DCCCC kabblisticae, 1486 - Philosophy, kabbalistic and theological conclusions" and dignitate with his 1496 posthumously published work "Oratio de hominis, 1486 - On the Dignity of Man ". Johannes Reuchlin Association of Christian theology, Pythagorean and Neo-Platonic philosophy and Jewish mysticism to a Synthesis (De verbo mirifico, 1494, De arte cabalistica, 1517). With "De Occulta Philosophia - From the hidden philosophy, Antwerp, Paris and Cologne, 1530-1533" was .. Agrippa von Nettesheim an immediate early humanist "seller" in which he presented the kabbalistic esotericism in the service of Christian dogma Heinrich Khunrath "Amphitheatrum Sapientiae Aeterna Solius Vera, Hamburg: sn, 1595 - Amphitheater of the only true and eternal wisdom" is . a mixture of Christian magic, alchemy and Kabbalah, the "Cabbala denudata, 2 vols, 1677-1684 - Kabbalah Revealed" of the clergy Christian Knorr von Roth Rose is the first major Zohar translation into Latin dar. How far the interests of that theologian, poet and hermetic go, he shows the annotated translation by G. della Porta's "Magia Naturalis, 1680 ", but especially the close collaboration with the alchemists and linguists Johan Baptista van Helmont .
Hermetic Kabbalah
Kabbalistic teachings and motives found since the early 20th century, increasing attention outside of Judaism. First, only theologians
and occult circles as the Theosophy or Golden Dawn noted the popularity of the Kabbalah expanded largely due to the spread of New Age and modern Age further between out. The limits of speculative Kabbalah (theoretical Kabbalah) and magic
(Practical Kabbalah) are also fluent in Western Hermeticism. Where Gershom Scholem still in " alchemy and Kabbalah" Relationship between Jewish Kabbalists, alchemists and Christian Kabbalists documented, blurred at the Hermetists 19th century's all dividing lines. Pressurizes The nearly complete incorporate alchemy and Kabbalah. Kabbalah as a means of initiation there with them. The oral transmission of Torakenntnissen and mystical Toradeutung ( Sefer Yetzirah , Sefer Bahir , Sohar ) remains at the Hermetists largely by the wayside. Even the Kabbalah of the Golden Dawn joined with little Jewish Kabbalah and Kabbalistic Tanach
- hermeneutics. Kabbalah after Crowley's Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) has Crowley's Liber AL vel Legis the foundation and removed completely from the Jewish Kabbalah. In kawwanah - Church of the New Aeon is the Lurianic Kabbalah
one of several sources.
Kabbalah pop culture
Even pop stars propagate such as Madonna

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The Jubilee

The Jubilee of medieval Christianity was every 50 years called out as particularly holy year, in which a special sins - drain was possible. The period was further reduced until it finally reached today's standard 25 years.
is Derived from the phrase once in a blue moon, which means "extremely rare ", since humans usually only two or three of these experienced a blue moon. The jubilee year of jubilee was originally called. The Hebrew word Jobel (yo-bale ') is the sound of the shofar

announcing the Jubilee year.

Luther translated (
third book of Moses
25.8 and following) the word for a year and Jubilee Hall. The Hebrews were proclaimed after seven times seven sabbatical years, a Jubilee year, so every 50th Year.

It always began on Yom Kippur

on 10 Day of Tishri , and was proclaimed with trumpets in the country. Throughout the year, had suspended all field work, The Hebrew slaves were set free without distinction, sold and mortgaged properties (houses in walled cities and the sanctuary promised lands excluded) came without compensation from foreign hands back to the original owners or their rightful heirs back and all debts were canceled. The main purpose of this institution was the intention of obtaining Moses equality among the goods owners: the Jubilee Year should bring about a kind of rebirth of the entire State. Before the exile, however, seems to be the year of Jubilee was not observed, although a trace of it found in Isaiah 61.1 et seq. After the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 was committed no longer the jubilee year in Judaism.

Das Jubeljahr (Jubiläumsjahr, Ablassjahr) in der katholischen Kirche wurde durch die Bulle Antiquorum habet fida relatio von Papst Bonifatius VIII. initiiert, welches der päpstlichen Kasse von Zeit zu Zeit wieder aufhelfen sollte. The same was celebrated in the same year for the first time and should be repeated only every 100 years. The success was so brilliant that even Clement VI. 1343 ordered the return of the jubilee year for 50 years and Pope Urban VI. 1389 even the jubilee year period to 33 years down was because Jesus lived 33 years to earth. In rapid succession 1400 , 1423 and 1450 were celebrated in a blue moon, to Pope Paul II 1470 fixed the unalterable, that the Jubilee should be celebrated every 25 years. At the same time, the main churches of Rome and the cathedrals (bishoprics) determined in the different countries to deputies of the Peter Church in Rome , and all those who visited her, granted was as full of indulgence such as those in which 14 days, their devotion work performed in St. Peter's. 1875 was the 22nd Jubilee instead. The celebration starts on 25th December
under Christmas Mass on Christmas Day last year. The pope opened personally by three hammer blows to date walled holy gate (gate jubilee, golden gate) of St. Peter under manifold ceremonies, and Pope and clergy take in a magnificent procession through the Holy Door in St. Peter's Basilica. On 25th December the following year the Pope closes the door in similar ceremonies that will be walled up afterwards. Regardless of the jubilee granted some Popes and a jubilee year in their possession of the papal chair, as for example Leo XII. 1826 did. Also Leo XIII. hosted the first annual celebration of his elevation to the Holy See a general anniversary with the promise of complete forgiveness of sins.

The last Jubilee year was known as the Great Jubilee in the year 2000

, under the motto "Christ heri, hodie, semper." (Christ yesterday, today and forever) stood.
blue moon in the 20th Century
1900: 25 December 1899 - 25 December 1900

1925: 25 December 1924 - 25 December 1925

1933: (very)

1950: 25 December 1949 - 25 December 1950

1975: 25 December 1974 - 25th December 1975

1983 (extremely) Holy Thursday, 1983 - Easter Sunday, 1984

2000: 25 December 1999 - 06th January 2001 (extended to celebrate the actual entrance into the 21st century.)

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Israel ben Eliezer Rabbi Nachman

Rabbi Israel ben Eliezer (c. 1700 in Okop at Kamenetz -Podolsk (Ukraine ), † 1760 in Miedzyborz , Podolia, known as Baal Shem Tov (Master of the Good Name) and abbreviated Bescht) is the founder of Hasidic movement within Judaism . His exact birth date is unknown. Many details of his biography are
. It seems certain that he was married twice, his second wife, a son and a daughter had, and that he in May 1760, on the second day of Shavuot Shavuot in shtetl Miedzyboz in the Western Ukraine died.
Of Rabbi Israel Ben Eliezer called the Baal Shem Tov, is the master of good reputation, training in dealing with God. d. assembled from fragments of Martin Buber
. [With afterword and commentary ed. Lothar Stiehm]. Heidelberg: Schneider 1981st ISBN 3-7953-0185-8
Isaac Bashevis Singer
: The realm of heaven: a story of the Baal Shem Tov. Munich: dtv 2004th ISBN 3-423-25220-0 Karl Erich Grozinger (eds): The Stories of the Baal Shem Tov. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz oJ
ISBN 3-447-03867-5

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Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav
(* 1772 in Medschybisch , died October 16 1810 in Uman ) was a Hasidic tzaddik. mother's side he was the great-grandson of the Baal Shem Tov

, the founder of Hasidism. Father's side he was the grandson of Rabbi Nahman of Horodenka, a student of the Baal Shem Tov. Nachman was raised in the Hasidic atmosphere at his home, married early and lived in the house of his father. He later settled in Mewedewka, a village in the province Kiev, where he assembled a group of Hasidim around. 1798 he went accompanied by a student on a journey to the Holy Land

. Within several months, he visited among other Haifa, Jaffa, Tiberias and Safed had, but after the invasion of Napoleon leave the country at a moment again. During his stay in a village near Schpola he had a discussion with Arie body, an elderly Hasidic leaders, who accused Nachman Sabbatian and Frankist views. In 1802 he moved to Bratslav, where he remained until 1810. After his house was burned down in Bratslav, he moved to Uman, where he died on 18 Tishri 5571 (October 16, 1810) died during the Sukkot to tuberculosis. After the death of Rabbi Nachman his followers were known as the Bratslav Hasidim. In their area of origin
they were up to the early years of the Soviet Union active and gained in the inter-war period especially in Poland increased social recognition. In Israel most Bratslav Hasidim lived at first in the Old City of Jerusalem , but have now settled in Safed , Emanuel and Bnei Brak.
His teachings
Although Nachman emphasized the importance of tradition and as the last link of a chain saw that Shimon ben Yochai
of about Isaac Luria until his great-grandfather, the Baal Shem Tov, presented his teachings contain many new features. According to Nachman, the world was by En Sof, "the infinite" create, and is dominated by the absolute will of God. Divinity is everywhere contained in evil, in the form of Klippot ("shells"). Even a man who is sinking in evil, therefore, can be found back by repentance the Creator. The Lurianic doctrine of tzimtzum ("retreat", see Kabbalah ) creates a paradox . On the one hand, it postulated the retreat and the disappearance of Divinity by creating a vacuum , secondly, it is divine immanence (presence of God in the world) was adopted. According to Nachman of the ideal state of Tzimtzum only in the future is achieved. The main significance of this doctrine, however, is to raise doubts about the existence of the Creator. The wording of the question is an important element in his teaching and is the first act of the will of the Creator in their relationships with their people. Although humans can get deep into the clutches of the doubt, the ultimate purpose of his case lies in its promotion ("And the decline is happening around the climbing's sake" Sohar ).
Tzaddik Nachman
theory is unique, then is he said there is only one true tzaddik, namely Nachman himself, which provided for a determination as Messiah is. Just as Moses confer on the tzaddik the prayers of the community's saving power. Idea of the tzaddik of heretical questions can lead to spiritual advancement of those who were before the mistake. Even the Niggun (the Hasidic melody) has a similar redemptive influence. The tzaddik lives forever, so to speak, whether in this or in the world to come. A person is required to travel to the tzaddik, "because the important thing is what he hears from the mouth of the tzaddik." Nachman attitude to people and the world is quite pessimistic. He believes that there were many obstacles in the way of the people in this world that may be mentioned without further
. Nevertheless, Nachman is with all his strength against despair. The anchor, the man can hold in life, faith, encouragement, joy, song, dance, constant self-criticism, discussions with the tzaddik and the longing for a direct relationship to the Creator. An important position in his teachings does decided to open the prayer. This is not limited to the Jewish tradition of prayer, even the recitation of psalms is worthless as long as the prayer is not with kawwanah pray and identified himself with the contents. Important for the dialogue is also a commitment to daily isolation. The importance of Niggun, the sung prayer is not to over-estimate by Nachman. There is a complete system of Niggunim which corresponds to the structure of the universe. Those who adapt to the musical rhythm, can achieve great pleasure from it and reaches the extinction of the self. At this moment, reveals that of the Creator, who longs for him, through the various stages in the order of nature. One way of spiritual elevation is offered to the people of Eretz Israel
where he can gain faith and wisdom. This may provide an explanation Nachman to believe he was throughout his life by the wisdom-enhancing power of the Land of Israel was based, which he himself was "the greatest of zaddikim" as he called himself.

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tzaddik (di: k), also צַדִּיק Tzaddiq (Hebrew for "righteous" or "Fair"), is now a concept of a religious leader and holy man ( Religious titles ) in Hasidism. In the Old Testament (Tanach

) is a tzaddik a righteous man, in the Talmud and Midrash one who does the question of justice demand more than God's laws. Since the Middle Ages the term tzaddik as a honorary title given especially religious Jews is held, where a special relationship was said to God. In the Eastern European Hasidism a tzaddik was seen as a mediator between God and man. Man held meetings with him, he acted as an adviser to receive performed miracles and was entitled to support from his community. In the period of training of Hasidism, the hereditary dignity of a tzaddik and it formed from dynasties.

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Shalom (Hebrew)

The Hebrew word shalom [שלום] (English spelling: shalom) means, first of integrity, prosperity, peace
, and is thus not only meant liberation from every evil and misfortune, but also health, welfare, safety and peace.

"the peace which alone reconciles and strengthens us soothes and brightens our face image of us restless and from the bondage of unsatisfied desire frees us are the consciousness of the achievements, the awareness of time, in the midst of our own transience and all externals. (JG Claude Montefiore, 1858 - 1938, Jewish scholar and founder of the World Union for Progressive Judaism).

Shalom applies from the time of

Bible (the Tanach ) as a key word in Judaism and is the most common greeting among Jews . The word is based on the Semitic-speaking meaningful consonants s - l - m and with the Arab Salam related very closely.

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Melchisedech (also Melchizedek and Melchizedek) is a figure from the Old Testament
, mentioned in Genesis 14.17 to 19 in the Abraham narrative , but also a rich Jew in the third story of the first day of the Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio .

Melchizedek in the Old Testament
Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine. He was priest of God Most High. He blessed Abram and said, Blessed be Abram of God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth, and blessed the Most High God who has delivered your enemies to you. Then Abram gave him tithes of all. (New American

According to this passage, Melchizedek is the "king of Salem" and a "
priest of God Most High" (High Priest = ). "King of Salem" can be interpreted as "King of Jerusalem" or the "Queen of Peace (Salem means peace), and leave open whether the association with the royal title temporal power. The name can be translated as Melchizedek himself and then means something like "King of Righteousness." Melchizedek blesses Abraham, then Abraham is charged to the Melchizedek tithe. The importance Mechisedechs is that he is actually in a
mentioned priest the first, and that he uses for his offering of bread and wine - not the meat of sacrificial animals, as the future priests of the Old Testament - and can be interpreted symbolically to Jesus Christ and endowed by the Eucharist as a sacrificial meal . Further, "Salem" frequently when the city Jerusalem interpreted, and this passage would be the earliest historical reference to this otherwise, in the books Moses (the Torah ) has not mentioned City. Also allows the passage to draw conclusions about Abraham, who is mentioned here, along with Melchizedek. Melchizedek is also mentioned in Psalm

110.4, one of God's promise to King David : "You are a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek."
Melchizedek in Boccaccio
Melchizedek is also still in the Decameron by Giovanni di Boccaccio (1348) mentioned rich Jew, the Sultan Saladin, as later in Lessing's Nathan the Wise
same drama, the same question, namely the for the best of the three monotheistic religions, answered with the parable of the rings .
Christian interpretation
A detailed discussion of these passages is found in the Epistle to the Hebrews
in Chapters 5-7. The letter interprets the blessing received and the tax levy as a submission under Abraham and Melchizedek to a subordination of the old covenant to the new covenant. After the letter of Psalm 110.4 is fulfilled in the priesthood of Jesus Christ for the following reasons: David as king of Israel ancestor of Jesus Christ (according to Matthew 1:6), so "You are a priest," even though David himself no priests.

Christ's priesthood is eternal, that is forever.

of Melchizedek are neither advantages nor descendants, mentions his death in the Bible, also inherited the royal priesthood of Christ is neither ancestors nor is inherited by descendants, and Christ dies no more.

The Christian sacrifice (the Eucharist

) will be offered according to the order of Melchizedek, then with bread and wine, so after the order of Melchizedek, without bloodshed and without sacrifices. Abraham submits to it voluntarily, Abraham is here as the embodiment of all descended from him

Israelites, including the later Levites and priests of their duties, and this has Thus the eternal priesthood of Christ subordinate. One is based on descent priesthood is now no more, as Christ is the only high priest.

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Melek Taus

Melek Taus or Tausî Melek (Angel also peacock) is a Kurdish Yazidi from
dear angel . As the first of seven angels he created in God's order, the world as well as Adam and Eve . Since Tausî Melek but refused to kneel before Adam, he was elevated to the highest angel and the guardian and administrator of the earth. The statement was a test because of God's first commandment have been the seven angels, she should only worship him. But at some point Tausî Melek has yet acted against a decision of God (since he was created as the people with the gift of free will) and was sent by God into the hell . There was sorry that he had done and put out the fires of hell with his tears. Therefore, there is no hell for the Yazidis and no devil. The evil in the Yazidi mythology exists only in man ( Free Will). When a Yezidi has done something bad in his life, spoken or even thought that the punishment is to be reborn and try again. Anyone who behaves correctly but reaches out to God (heaven). The Koran
reported to have Iblis (the Islamic devil) out of arrogance, refused to kneel down before Adam. This relationship is one of the reasons that the Yazidis were for centuries and in some cases up to now discriminated against as alleged "devil". The most important
is the reincarnation Tausî Melek after Yazidi faith Sheikh Adi .

Sunday, February 18, 2007

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Friday, February 16, 2007

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by Thomas Laird, Dalai Lama XIV

Tibet - The history of my country .
The Dalai Lama in conversation with Thomas Laird (Hardcover)

Hardcover: 589 pages Publisher
: joke; 1 edition (October 2007)
language: German
ISBN-10: 3502150001
ISBN-13: 978-3502150008

from the unique perspective of the Dalai Lama, we know the history of Tibet from the Mongols and the "Golden Age" during the reign of the Great Fifth Dalai Lama, Tibet's years under the rule of the Manchu dynasty to four decades of independence in the early 20th Century. His Holiness describes his meeting with Mao Tse-Tung just before the invasion of Chinese troops in 1959 and tells us about his difficult decision to leave his home. The American journalist Thomas Laird, who in the past three years, many meetings with the Dalai Lama has done, has written this impressive witness and combines fascinating oral history, personal history and political conflict with each other.

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Thursday, February 15, 2007

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Apostolic Church

Apostolic Church

The New Apostolic Church (NAC) is a religious community that is the end of the
19th has developed in the century Catholic Apostolic communities .
Other names
The official abbreviation is in the German-NAK (in other languages such as English. NAC, French ENA). The Internet has become the prefix "nak" for district and community sites, groups and organizations naturalized within the NAC. The international church is abbreviated as NAC (NAC = International). In Internet forums, often the term "Naki" for a member of the NAC is used.

The emblem of the Apostolic Church is in white on light blue background: a cross floating above stylized waves, the horizon goes on from these waves, the sun. An official interpretation the emblem of the church leadership does not take place ( image ).

an earlier interpretation, there is a setting sun, symbolizing the imminent second coming of Christ. Likewise, it is in the older emblem by four water lines that should remain free for a Bible quote for apostles teaching, breaking bread, communion and prayer, as in "Questions and answers about the Apostolic faith," read a preliminary catechism.

The New Apostolic Church has approximately 11 million members (as of December 31
2005) and is in Germany with around 375,000 members (as of 31 December 2005), the third largest single church, and (according to the Orthodox churches ) is the fourth largest Christian denomination .

grows, the number of municipalities because of the dedicated missionary activity

steadily, especially in Africa where the NAC today a majority of their members. In Germany, membership has declined. There are more than 360 Acts.

addition to the German-speaking countries it is particularly strong in Central Africa

(especially Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia), North America , Australia and some Asian countries (mainly India ) disseminated.
formed in Western Europe, particularly in Britain, prayer circles of different denominations, who prayed for the "revival" of the spiritual gifts ( Holy Spirit ) ( revival ). It came in some of these prayer circles to predictions by tongues who reported the re-emergence of the apostolic ministry. This include the were Catholic Apostolic Church out, which would need to prepare twelve newly appointed apostle to the second coming of Christ . The community came 1855 after the death of three apostles in a crisis, since one of the vacant seats has become not play due to a lack of biblical evidence occupied. A small part (especially the Hamburg congregation) then went their own way and was excluded from the English following the apostles. It was 1863 in Hamburg, the first "General Christian Apostolic Mission" and later, in 1878, the "New Apostolic church" shows (since 1907 official name since 1930 "Apostolic Church"). In the course of further development of the NAC led to numerous spin-offs. Examples are (in Germany) of the "Reformed Apostolic Municipalities", the "Apostolic " and the "Apostolic church of the Saarland. Even the apostles Judah, from which in turn showed the apostles of Jesus Christ emerged from the New Apostolic Church.
early phase (1863-1878)
see the article
General Christian Apostolic Mission
The German Church (1878-1960)
the initially deeply ecumenical conviction in the Catholic Apostolic Church and also maintained by Heinrich Geyer
was more with the years of strong differentiation from other Christian denominations. These are certainly several reasons for this: What matters will have been that the theological education of the clergy of the Mother Church was no longer available, only a few priests still had done in the Catholic Apostolic Church Service. Essential for the growth of the community, the weaker social strata, giving rise to later key officials. Even nationalist appeals can be found at this time in the hymnals and theological writings. Characteristic of this period is the increasingly hierarchical church structure. The charismatic element of the Catholic Apostolic Church, the prophecies have been rare (the last oral reports of fall in the 1980s) and disappeared into the prophetic office. New Apostolic Christians are in the era of world wars as "honest, sincere, conscientious and faithful" to see how many old publications. This is also the vision of the church at that time. Public opposition to the state was not practiced.

a deep crisis from which emerged several new groups (see

United Apostolic Church), the New Apostolic Church saw in the final years of the Chief Apostle Johann Gottfried Bischoff (deceased 1960). Bischoff, who took 1930 the root apostles preached, Christ would have come in his lifetime. This "message" statement was called the New Apostolic " status confessionis . Officials who publicly doubted or not they were taught their posts removed. The most prominent "victims" was the designated successor of the chief apostle, the Rhenish District Apostle Peter Kuhlen (Apostle assistant from 1948 to 1950). Candidate in many places were taken up only after a commitment to the "message" to the church. the death of Bishop and the Second Coming of Jesus is not occurred had been expressed on the part of the apostolic college, God has "changed his (by Chief Apostle Bischoff expressed) will." To date, the Church has not distanced himself from that view, but it is free to its members to form their own opinion (as per statement of liver Stap, "no longer a dogma").
The new international church (1960-present)
The death of the chief apostle Bischoff caused a slow but steady change, for example, the formulation of the "ownership" by Apostle
Hans Urwyler
in the eighties years ago, (each member is personally responsible for his soul), or to the few, but through constant dialogue and contacts with groups that have broken due to the "message" from the New Apostolic Church. Even a conservative ecumenical opening of the NAC can be seen in this context. Overall, the spectrum within the church is really in the last ten years has increased, so that one can today of a "conservative" and a "progressive" wing talk within the NAC. Structural shift in membership considerably. If the NAK 1960, a German-European Community, with branches in several countries outside Europe, then in 2005 found only about 5% of members in Europe.
The New Apostolic Church sees itself as a continuation of the early Christian Church, is on the near second coming of Christ
and consistently eschatological aligned. The aim of the New Apostolic Christians it is to be performed at the second coming of Christ in the eternal communion with God. The creed enshrined in ten articles of faith. According to the understanding of the New Apostolic Church, the apostles necessary for salvation. The basis of the doctrine serves the
Bible and its interpretation by the "present" apostles. The New Apostolic Church has three
sacraments: Baptism , Supper and sealing . Baptism and sealing are performed on each member once and are considered necessary for salvation. Both sacraments bring together the "rebirth" of water and spirit and to convey the "child of God." Through water baptism is to Apostolic understanding "the first and fundamental act of grace to the man who believes in Christ" carried out (see News of 24 January 2006 ). It also causes the washing away of the "original sin . The seal (baptism with the Holy Spirit) is understood as of Holy Spirit and effect until the "child of God", ie the membership of the church.


Supper is in every service to the common spoken celebrated " Our Father" (until Pentecost 2008 in the King James version from 1984) and the forgiveness of sins. " Communion wafers are used exclusively for three-wine stains. Hosts will be decommissioned when not in use in worship services follow any newly eliminated. At the Last Supper take part, even children and infants. Participation in the Supper is generally allows only members of the NAC, but exceptions are possible.

The forgiveness of sins

give absolution in the NAC apostles and priestly offices of the "Free Speech" in every service. She has in the minds of many members own almost a sacrament and character is mistaken for a part of the sacrament "Last Supper". A special feature of the religious doctrine of Entschlafenenwesen. Three times a year on a "Mass for the departed" instead, in which the souls of dead people the sacraments of the NAC will be donated (on behalf of two public officials by an apostle). The sacrament is administered in the same way every Sunday in worship services, led by apostles or by the District Apostle, who died "guardian" (who have found God's grace). are currently, however, many teachings, including to the understanding of the church, from within the church bodies (task forces) were revised and will be published in an emerging
(before 2008).

The Bible The Bible is binding basis of teachings of the NAC. Next to her, but does the word "today's" New Apostolic Apostles a major role. Until 1998 the Luther Bible was used in 1912, today the translation of the Bible is from 1984. According to a recent decision (November 2005) are the apocryphal books
integral component of New Apostolic teaching. In addition, sermons are sometimes also cited other Bible translations (Good news, Elberfeld, Albrecht, etc.). The use of annotated Bibles (eg Stuttgart Declaration Bible) is recommended for the homily preparation now. Binding are in any case, the central leadership of the church issued "guiding principles". Inner Religious groups work occasionally on biblical subjects and publish the results in the Church's own magazine "Our Family" and on the website of the church. The overall understanding of the gospel because of the interpretation of the Bible is characterized by apostles and is similar in many denominational views do not determine the interpretations of other churches. Increasingly extends and deepens the view of biblical Sources regarding the authenticity and the background or understanding speech through the use of sources of large churches, which leads to the correction of doctrinal statements.

worship and practice

New Apostolic Church in Augsburg Of the registered in the parish members to visit each municipality 20 to 100% regular church services, with church attendance declining, especially in European countries is. Regular churchgoers they participate most actively in community life and also are characterized by a strong feeling of solidarity from. There is a strong youth and elderly care. Moreover, often cultivated appearance and formal wear are common - the problem of the form "more appropriate" attire is often talk about and from area to area church Church in different ways.
With the beginning of opening the church is also developing the cultural life of the NAC. There are now only traditional church choirs, which are known in some cases borders on religion for their quality, progressive music groups and ensembles that appear increasingly in the area outside the church. An essential part of musical literature are works that in the 19 Century, or were written later.

parts of the New Apostolic
Music Literature
are being revised and supplemented by literature from other Christian groups. replaced since Easter 2005 - initially only in German-speaking - the new hymnal the used up to that of 1925. Talking is a revision of the uniform for Germany choir folder, which should be completed by 2008 . The revision mostly pieces of worldly origin (eg chorus, with "self-sealed" Christian texts) are sorted out, text previously used to undo changes made church music (eg "sky" instead of adapted "home") and own lyrics to the current doctrine. Overall, a shift to generally accepted "Christian church music" is observed, resulting in the local choirs and also of many complaints.
The Apostolic Creed
first Articles of Faith: I believe in God the Father, the Almighty Creator of heaven and earth.
second Articles of Faith: I believe in Jesus Christ, God's only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and buried, entered the realm of the departed, rose again from the dead ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty, from whence he shall come again.
third Articles of Faith: I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Apostolic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the dead and life everlasting.
4th Articles of Faith: I believe that the Lord Jesus, his church through living apostles until his return, he sent his apostles and still sends them with the mission to teach, to forgive sins in His name and with water and the Holy Spirit . baptize
5th Articles of Faith: I believe that all offices in the Church of Christ are chosen and used only by apostles in their office and that from the Apostles of Christ must show all the gifts and powers, so that, equipped with them, the community becomes a legible letter of Christ.
6th Articles of Faith: I believe that the Holy Baptism with water is a part of the rebirth of the person being baptized and thereby acquired the reversion to receive the Holy Spirit. She is also the answer of a good conscience toward God.
7th Articles of Faith: I believe that the Lord's Supper in memory of the once brought eternally valid sacrifice and the bitter suffering and death of Christ is the Lord Himself. The dignified enjoyment of life, the Holy Communion establishes our fellowship with Christ Jesus our Lord. It is celebrated with unleavened bread and wine, must be blessed by a priest of the Church and donated.
8th Articles of Faith: I believe that the need of water baptized by an apostle to obtain the child of God received the Holy Spirit, which they included as members of the body of Christ.
9th Articles of Faith: I believe that the Lord Jesus will come again as surely as he ascended into heaven, and the dead in Christ and the living bridal souls, who hoped for his coming and were prepared for transformed, and continues to be that after the Wedding in the sky with this comes back to earth, establish his kingdom of peace and rule them with him as kings and priests. After completion of the kingdom of peace, he will hold the Last Judgement when all souls receive that does not have participated in the First Resurrection, their share as they have done, whether good or evil.
10th Articles of Faith: I think I'm the secular authorities obliged to obey, unless contrary to the divine laws.

The services of the New Apostolic Church are regulated. The liturgy of the New Apostolic Church met initially (up to about 1885) contained the Catholic Apostolic Church, the strong elements of the rite of the Catholic and Anglican churches. Under the influence of Dutch Calvinism

shifted the focus of worship in 1885 on the Liturgy of the Word (preaching high proportion). Occasionally there are still vestiges of the Catholic Apostolic Tradition in the New Apostolic liturgy. Until 1998, the Lord's Supper was celebrated only on Sundays and religious holidays, since 1998 is also an evening meal in the weekly worship celebration. Schematic sequence of a new apostolic church service:

Before the beginning of the service:
organ music
instrumental music
Organizational and / or deadlines are "announcements" by a public official
may rest on the collection
town song (collection about the Apostles and / or priestly office / offices in the nave, the service manager takes his place behind the altar)
prayer of the supervisor
reading of the Bible word for worship
music review (mostly choral singing, but also community song, solo or instrumental)
Sermon of the supervisor
any music review (mostly choral)
sermons of other ministers
celebration of the holy sacrament
community prayer Our Father
Free Speech (absolution - forgiveness of sins)
victims prayer
separation of the Host (bread and wine) and donation / expenditure of the Host to the Apostles / priestly offices
then possibly
confirmation (blessing of action - usually on Palm Sunday)
gift of the Holy Communion at the church (while / after congregational singing and / or chorus)
only services of the District Apostles and the chief apostle: the gift of the Eucharist for the asleep
then any acts of blessing, for example:
weddings, wedding anniversaries
ordinations or closed reduction of public officials, etc.
final blessing
music review (congregational singing, choral speech, etc.)

The "serving" the public official at the altar occurs in free Sermon without notes. In preparation for the service used the data released by the church leadership guiding principles that include the read (ie, prescribed by the Church leadership) text word (a single verse or Baqarah, no longer text sections) from the Bible and some thoughts. The "guiding principles" should be replaced by the end of 2007, "Guide for worship." The commissioned officers preach without the requirement of a specific training or theological education, it should speak in a direct way the Holy Spirit through them. Critics say this, however, leads to an overburdening of the lay preacher and thus to a cliché-laden, cliche-ridden invocation the few that always the same website. To counteract this are increasingly religious seminars sermon preparation and training was offered. Theology (off) training is now officially welcome ..


church leadership hierarchy
At the head of the New Apostolic Church is the 15th May 2005, Chief Apostle Dr. Wilhelm Leber
. Its predecessor was Richard Fehr , who led the church since 1988 in this office. As an Apostle he leads from the church from its headquarters in Zurich. Wilhelm Leber's hamburgers and the eighth Chief Apostle since the founding of the church. The primacy of the Chief Apostle is derived from the position of Peter in the early church.

District Apostle district churches derive
are under the Chief Apostle, the District Apostles. They oversee the
area churches
. Them "simple" Apostles are assigned. Together with the Apostle to ensure the worldwide unity of doctrine and pastoral care.

International Conferences
The Apostle Apostle Apostle and the district come together regularly to discuss church matters of international importance. Every three years an international Assembly of all the apostles held.

Current common and current District Apostle
strain Apostle Wilhelm Leber

District Apostle Wilfried Klingler (Germany, Lower Saxony Mitteldeuschland)
Wolfgang Nadolny (Germany, Berlin-Brandenburg/Russland)
Hagen Wend (Germany , Hesse, Rhineland-Pfalz-Saar)

Michael Ehrich
(Germany, South Germany) Karl Heinz Schumacher (Germany, North Germany) Armin Brinkmann (Germany, NRW)
Theodoor J. de Bruijn (Netherlands)
Jean-Luc Schneider ( France)
Armin Studer (Switzerland / Austria)
Charles S. Ndandula (Zambia)
Noel E. Barnes (Cape, South Africa)
Johann R. Kitching (South Africa)
Latorcai Leslie (Canada)
Richard C. Freund (USA)
Mario Fiore (Argentina, Uruguay)
Guillermo Vilor (Brazil)
Andrew H. Andersen (Australia)
Alfons Tansahtikno (Indonesia)

Other officials support the apostles

In performing regional tasks to help the apostles, bishops, district elders and district evangelist. The center of church life, the individual municipalities. With her leadership instruct the apostles pastors, evangelists and priests. These community leaders will be assisted by other priests and deacons.
The hierarchy includes, in descending order of three official groups

: Apostle , District Apostle, Apostle, Priestly
Offices: Bishop , district elder, district evangelist Shepherd , (municipal) Evangelist priests, deacons
: Deacon (formerly also sub-deacon).

The NAK known in the official group of the apostles the assignment (activity without surgery) as the "District Apostle Helper"; in the priestly offices of the commission as president (leader) of a municipality (regular will shepherd / Evangelists / Priests charged) or of a district (usually bishops / elders district / county evangelists). Another special feature in the apostolate of the NAC is the "chief apostle helpers" are: In support of the incumbent chief apostle is ordained an apostle in this function.
All officers are men and laymen

; them up to the stage of the work usually older volunteers. Bishops and apostles (Acts, Apostles and District Apostle) are often employees of the church.


ordination of women in the New Apostolic Church is not known. However, women are taking teaching positions in the Vorsonntagsschule (children under 6 years), the Sunday school in religion and confirmation classes and senior role in the musical essence true. Women also sing with the community and district chorus.

any officials in his action is subject to the NAC in details often directed by the higher-level official or functionary. While on organizational issues thoroughly discussed, are questions concerning the content of faith and related doctrines, not ausdiskutierbar and not a mere matter of opinion. On these points there is a clear line. Spreads others or adulterated teachings of the New Apostolic Church officials will not be tolerated. In such a case, a function carrier is partially deprived of his official position, for a full-time active officials may include the loss of pension rights to the result.
incumbent may be granted leave from her job temporarily, or voluntarily assumed him to resign. A prominent example in the recent past, the former apostle Sepers Gerrit (NL), on 1 December 2004 resigned his post. His reasoning (abridged; full text:
): "The reason for my return Office of the apostles is the exclusive teaching of the New Apostolic Church pluralistic, contrary to my personal vision. We can and may our God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit is not in their scope, space, limit development and so on. This goes far beyond our human thoughts. The apostles in the church, in my opinion is not necessarily required for salvation, but beneficial or desirable. "
The headquarters of the NAC (New Apostolic Church International), as the composite of all New Apostolic Apostles, is in Zurich

The New Apostolic Church is in
area churches
split, which - led by District Apostles - legally independent. In the teaching of the Apostles are connected to the district chief apostle. Several area churches are headed by a District Apostle, they are then referred to as "District Apostle area. In Germany there are 10 area churches in 6 "District Apostle areas." The District Church of Austria, together with the District Church of Switzerland to a "District Apostle area. Legally, the district churches in Germany public bodies , a club in Switzerland. The area churches are divided into legally dependent districts that in turn also legally dependent Communities are divided. The directors of a district or a municipality is responsible for a district or community leaders. Ten to thirty communities form a district. An apostle and a bishop in the care of three to six districts.

The New Apostolic Church is funded by donations (so-called victims) of the members. The donations are voluntary and anonymous victims down in the box (offering box). An orientation on the tenth (cf. 4 Exodus 18, 24) is recommended and in the ministry with regard to the related theme of God's blessing greatly. A church tax, although legally possible in Germany, not applicable. The international church is to pay levy the area churches financed, they also organizes support financially weaker area churches through financial strength. Recently, annual accounts, inputs and outputs in the Church's own magazine "Our Family" in highly summary form are published. The church is anxious to get along with as little bureaucracy. The vast majority of the revenue flows in the construction and maintenance of the church building, please come again directly benefit the individual communities. Also for the missionary work, a considerable part of the church budget is spent. In addition, the Church provides humanitarian aid and support relief efforts in disaster areas. The control of the ecclesiastical revenues and expenditures (in formal exam) make independent auditor. The church publishes high-level summary reports on their income and expenditure. Further insight into their financial affairs (especially in the rules of the remuneration of the apostles), they are not church members. Government grants are not used. Charitable assistance will be provided on special victims (peace offerings for thanksgiving) and donations to the charity of the New Apostolic Church in Germany "NAK-Sponsorship" is supported.

The New Apostolic Church has to political opinions. It expects its believers to fulfill the laws and duties as citizens of their country, if not contrary to the divine laws. The Church emphasizes open and trusting relationships with governments, public authorities and the public. New Apostolic Christians are free to express themselves in public life.

Other religious bodies and groups

The church owned Verlag Friedrich Bischoff (founded by Johann Gottfried Bischoff
, the father's namesake) is based in Frankfurt am Main . He laid in the three main internal church magazines: "Our family has an international circulation of 350,000 copies. In German, English, French, English, Portuguese and Indonesian it appears two times a month. Every month, the magazine is published in 21 other languages. The content deals in addition to worship and travel reports of the Chief Apostle also with religious-historical background, reports from community life and ads. "Our World" has an international circulation of 18,000 copies and is published in German, English, French, Russian, Portuguese and Dutch. The content deals with some issues to "Christians & Bible." What it is for reading, painting, crafts, puzzles and interactive activities.
"Spirit" is a magazine specifically for young New Apostolic Christians. Every two months deals with current issues and discussed from the perspective of the Apostolic faith, to give orientation. There

youth in the church
The New Apostolic Church similar to the other major churches youth days. Once a year, takes place in the respective area Church Youth Day. Venues are exhibition halls and city halls. The procedure often divided into two parts. Mornings there is a youth service, the district held by the apostles of the District Church is. Following there is a lunch. Afternoon following the so-called moment of youth. There are recited by the choir and orchestral songs and presented by young religious themes in the form of films, stage plays and the like. In the year 2009 will be held for the first time a European Youth in the Düsseldorf LTU Arena. Within the districts, there are different youth activities. These include youth services, regional and local Jugenstunden, choir lessons, sports events and youth camps.

In Bielefeld
is the central Hostienbäckerei. A further Hostienbäckerei located in Cape Town, fed it with parts of Africa hosts.
Charity institutions
the seat of a NAK-Charitable, Foundation for charitable projects of the New Apostolic Church in Germany eV, is located in Dortmund
. A New Apostolic institution for the elderly located in Fröndenberg . Outside Germany (eg in countries such as Portugal, India and South Africa), there are many other religious institutions such as schools, kindergartens and orphanages that cared for in part by NAK Charitable
be financed partly by local area churches. The agency Youth helps youth "of the NAC North Rhine-Westphalia manages projects for disadvantaged young people abroad. Thus, in South Africa recently, the second "Amazing Grace Children's Home was officially opened
Rainbow NAK
In 1999, Rainbow-NAC, a private initiative
gay and lesbian Apostolic creditors. The main challenges in society and church, of which homosexual people are often surrounded, main topics. There are also currently many link lists, chat rooms, Internet forums, private Internet sites and classifieds pages from the environment of the New Apostolic Or church members.

is The New Apostolic Church either in World Council of Churches
still in the Council of Christian Churches (ACK) and participates also not in the Evangelical Alliance , and were now receiving an application or approaches exist, but no acceptance of the NAC is available. From the perspective of the New Apostolic Church, there is the possibility that a Christian participates in the Apostolic Communion of another religion. Participation in the Eucharist
in the services of the NAC is for members and the community provided housing guests. However, this is not controlled, and virtually no one is allowed to take part (as evidenced by the statement: "At the altar of the Lord no borders are drawn"). The New Apostolic baptism is recognized by the Catholic and Protestant churches, as they Trinitarian is made; the New Apostolic Church acknowledges its part in January 2006, each valid in a different church, Trinity accomplished water baptism sacrament and confirmed no more this, as usual. The New Apostolic understanding on the attainment of a child of God differs, however, as explained under the heading of teaching, on the understanding other denominations and is considered by various theologians as special education. Not

recognized the baptisms of

Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses , as these are completed Trinitarian .