Monday, February 19, 2007

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The Jubilee

The Jubilee of medieval Christianity was every 50 years called out as particularly holy year, in which a special sins - drain was possible. The period was further reduced until it finally reached today's standard 25 years.
is Derived from the phrase once in a blue moon, which means "extremely rare ", since humans usually only two or three of these experienced a blue moon. The jubilee year of jubilee was originally called. The Hebrew word Jobel (yo-bale ') is the sound of the shofar

announcing the Jubilee year.

Luther translated (
third book of Moses
25.8 and following) the word for a year and Jubilee Hall. The Hebrews were proclaimed after seven times seven sabbatical years, a Jubilee year, so every 50th Year.

It always began on Yom Kippur

on 10 Day of Tishri , and was proclaimed with trumpets in the country. Throughout the year, had suspended all field work, The Hebrew slaves were set free without distinction, sold and mortgaged properties (houses in walled cities and the sanctuary promised lands excluded) came without compensation from foreign hands back to the original owners or their rightful heirs back and all debts were canceled. The main purpose of this institution was the intention of obtaining Moses equality among the goods owners: the Jubilee Year should bring about a kind of rebirth of the entire State. Before the exile, however, seems to be the year of Jubilee was not observed, although a trace of it found in Isaiah 61.1 et seq. After the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 was committed no longer the jubilee year in Judaism.

Das Jubeljahr (Jubiläumsjahr, Ablassjahr) in der katholischen Kirche wurde durch die Bulle Antiquorum habet fida relatio von Papst Bonifatius VIII. initiiert, welches der päpstlichen Kasse von Zeit zu Zeit wieder aufhelfen sollte. The same was celebrated in the same year for the first time and should be repeated only every 100 years. The success was so brilliant that even Clement VI. 1343 ordered the return of the jubilee year for 50 years and Pope Urban VI. 1389 even the jubilee year period to 33 years down was because Jesus lived 33 years to earth. In rapid succession 1400 , 1423 and 1450 were celebrated in a blue moon, to Pope Paul II 1470 fixed the unalterable, that the Jubilee should be celebrated every 25 years. At the same time, the main churches of Rome and the cathedrals (bishoprics) determined in the different countries to deputies of the Peter Church in Rome , and all those who visited her, granted was as full of indulgence such as those in which 14 days, their devotion work performed in St. Peter's. 1875 was the 22nd Jubilee instead. The celebration starts on 25th December
under Christmas Mass on Christmas Day last year. The pope opened personally by three hammer blows to date walled holy gate (gate jubilee, golden gate) of St. Peter under manifold ceremonies, and Pope and clergy take in a magnificent procession through the Holy Door in St. Peter's Basilica. On 25th December the following year the Pope closes the door in similar ceremonies that will be walled up afterwards. Regardless of the jubilee granted some Popes and a jubilee year in their possession of the papal chair, as for example Leo XII. 1826 did. Also Leo XIII. hosted the first annual celebration of his elevation to the Holy See a general anniversary with the promise of complete forgiveness of sins.

The last Jubilee year was known as the Great Jubilee in the year 2000

, under the motto "Christ heri, hodie, semper." (Christ yesterday, today and forever) stood.
blue moon in the 20th Century
1900: 25 December 1899 - 25 December 1900

1925: 25 December 1924 - 25 December 1925

1933: (very)

1950: 25 December 1949 - 25 December 1950

1975: 25 December 1974 - 25th December 1975

1983 (extremely) Holy Thursday, 1983 - Easter Sunday, 1984

2000: 25 December 1999 - 06th January 2001 (extended to celebrate the actual entrance into the 21st century.)


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