Monday, February 19, 2007

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Kabbalah (also Kabbalah) is the mystical tradition of Judaism . It will continue since Pico della Mirandola in non-Jewish mystical circles. The roots of the Kabbalah can be found in the Torah , the Scriptures of Judaism. In addition to centuries of oral tradition documents the extensive written Kabbalistic tradition different elements, including Gnostic, Neoplatonic and Christian .

history of the word
The term Kabbalah (Hebrew
קבלה) is based on the Hebrew root , q - b -. l back, meaning "tradition, acceptance and forwarding" The bearer of this tradition are called Baal Hakabbalah בעלה הקבלה or Mekuballim מקובלים, said at the last form because of the passive voice, the meaning of "taken by God to" float. It is known that was not in the earliest times, the word Kabbalah used in this sense. The carrier had (כן יודע) flowery names as familiar with the grace of beauty, endowed with reason (משכלים) and ways of the heart (חכמה הלב) and the object itself was (חכמה ניסתרה) the hidden wisdom.
How often in the mysticism of it is about the conscious and self-directed transition into an ecstasy, that is a way of the ego from the body. There are several techniques that are the secret teachings
to be studied and learned , deliver. This experience gave initiatic initially in a first purely oral later written tradition. Therefore, in the Kabbalah today the Relationship between teacher and students found to be essential. As a Jewish Studies professor and historian of Kabbalah Gershom Scholem had emigrated to Jerusalem, offered him a Kabbalist from Safed, on condition not to ask questions, to be his student. Scholem refused. Kabbalistic experience may waive the limit between subject and object. A Kabbalist breaks through the wall "harder than diamond and can explore the all-unity. Is this extent are various Kabbalistic writings and schools, but not dogmatic or testable teaching content. There is no universal Kabbalistic teaching. But there are kabbalistic techniques. Accordingly, all written legacy the Kabbalists strongly symbolic. The ultimate goal of Lurianic Kabbalah reveals itself in preparation for purifying messianic redemption of the world Kawwanah (כוונה).

reached after only four Jewish tradition alive and alone in paradise
Rabbi Akiba
returned unharmed. Most succeed only a few steps on the ladder or opening a few gates. However, retain all their special skills obtained and should they pass on to extra-biblical tradition even ( apocryphal book of Sirach 4:16). So shall the blessing - Beracha ברכה arise. To abuse to prevent these forces, students will be tested before admission. To separate "worthy" of "unworthy", one has divided the Kabbalah in a theoretical (קבלה עיונית) and practical (קבלה מעששית), the former the system is, and the latter magical and semantic Practices describes how amulet being , etc. Loswerfen
Kabbalistic techniques
The various methods of the Hebrew Scripture as interpreted by Mekubbalim do not represent modern word root research, but
hermeneutics. The Techniques of this hermeneutics, as Temura, Atbasch, Albam, etc. are numerous. Of hermeneutics is tied to nothing but the stringency. This finding does not correspond to the finding of one or the other truth, but it is a method to overcome the purely causal thinking. For only whom it is possible to resolve embossed abstract ideas in thought, can leave the prison of the subject.
Jewish Kabbalah [edit
] The first support came from the Kabbalistic tradition rabbinic Judaism
, especially from the students of Rabbi Yohanan ben Zakkai and Rabbi Akiba ben Joseph , both in Judea in first Century AD. impacts. Technical content of this tradition are Talmud in myths about the biblical story of creation (מעשה בראשית) and in the visions first Chapter of the prophet Ezekiel the divine chariot (מעשה מרכבה) narrated. In this respect one speaks of Merkaba mysticism. A note of ecstasy, at issue provides that the word Merkabah, which is the tribe rakav - רכב - horseback riding, rapture, is derived. As Kabbalistic Midrash is the Sefer Bahir
. It contains the first representation of the then seven Sefirot (The currently known 10 Sefirot are found only in Sohar ) and the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet than the original numbers and relationships that underpin the world. These come in the representation of kabbalistic tree World expressed. were in the high Middle Ages
the centers Kabbalistic movements of German Hasidism in the Rhineland (mid-12th to mid 13th century) and especially the so-called "prophetic Kabbalah" in Spain, the most important representatives Abulafia and Gikatilla were. arose from the tradition of English Jewry towards the end of the 13th Century, the most important Kabbalistic text at all. the Zohar (Sefer ha Zohar, in Hebrew, "The Book of Splendor") as its author is the English Kabbalist Moses de Leon († 1305 )
. Zohar contains various, sometimes very extensive treatises interpretations of the Torah, stories ben to mystical forms of Judaism, especially to Rabbi Shimon

Yochai and his students, as well as speculation on numbers and letters as the foundations of the world. The Zohar is probably next to the Tanach , the Jewish Holy Scriptures and the Talmud as the single most important document of Judaism.

After the persecution and expulsion of Jews from Spain in 1492

was the town of Safed Galilee in the center of Kabbalistic teaching. This seemed especially Isaac Luria (1534 - 1572), the major contributions to the conception of the creation developed in the world. These ideas include a "self-pulling out" of God in order to make room for the emerging world ( tzimtzum ), the "breaking of the vessels" in the Creation and the release of the divine spark of light ( Schebirath ha Kelim ), speculation about the Infinite (En Sof ) and a teaching about the souls ( gilgul ). The goal of all efforts of the people it is to heal it, in a process of improvement (tikkun ) initial state of the world from a divine existence to be restored.

These lessons are outlined in very detailed descriptions and highly detailed, highly intricate images. The Lurianic Kabbalah sees itself as a science of God, man and the world as a mystical Interpretation of a human exile and his redemption in the cosmological horizon.

which originated in Safed Kabbalah of Isaac Luria, has gained considerable influence in Judaism. Many elements of this doctrine were in the eastern European Hasidism

17th and 18 Century effectively. Under careful inclusion messianic elements and a certain simplification of the original building was very differentiated teaching the Kabbalah make a big importance in the popular Hasidic centers of Eastern Jewry. Kabbalistic tradition is maintained in the presence and developed, especially in the Hasidic communities in the U.S. and Israel. As one of the major Kabbalists of the 20th Century is Yehuda Ashlag
. See also: Pardes

Christian Kabbalah
Athanasius Kircher
coined the term "Christian Kabbalah" The question of whether there was a real Christian Kabbalah in the sense of a primary kabbalistic mysticism with Christian elements ever. can not be answered with absolute certainty. kabbalistic creative thinkers from the blank of Isaac Luria, who with his vision of Adam Kadmon created a very own vital gnostic-Kabbalistic creation myth, lack of Christian Kabbalah. On the other hand clearly is an extremely fruitful Kabbalistic writing good reception in early humanism. Allen led the way Giovanni Pico della Mirandola in "Philosophica Conclusiones, et theologicae sive theses DCCCC kabblisticae, 1486 - Philosophy, kabbalistic and theological conclusions" and dignitate with his 1496 posthumously published work "Oratio de hominis, 1486 - On the Dignity of Man ". Johannes Reuchlin Association of Christian theology, Pythagorean and Neo-Platonic philosophy and Jewish mysticism to a Synthesis (De verbo mirifico, 1494, De arte cabalistica, 1517). With "De Occulta Philosophia - From the hidden philosophy, Antwerp, Paris and Cologne, 1530-1533" was .. Agrippa von Nettesheim an immediate early humanist "seller" in which he presented the kabbalistic esotericism in the service of Christian dogma Heinrich Khunrath "Amphitheatrum Sapientiae Aeterna Solius Vera, Hamburg: sn, 1595 - Amphitheater of the only true and eternal wisdom" is . a mixture of Christian magic, alchemy and Kabbalah, the "Cabbala denudata, 2 vols, 1677-1684 - Kabbalah Revealed" of the clergy Christian Knorr von Roth Rose is the first major Zohar translation into Latin dar. How far the interests of that theologian, poet and hermetic go, he shows the annotated translation by G. della Porta's "Magia Naturalis, 1680 ", but especially the close collaboration with the alchemists and linguists Johan Baptista van Helmont .
Hermetic Kabbalah
Kabbalistic teachings and motives found since the early 20th century, increasing attention outside of Judaism. First, only theologians
and occult circles as the Theosophy or Golden Dawn noted the popularity of the Kabbalah expanded largely due to the spread of New Age and modern Age further between out. The limits of speculative Kabbalah (theoretical Kabbalah) and magic
(Practical Kabbalah) are also fluent in Western Hermeticism. Where Gershom Scholem still in " alchemy and Kabbalah" Relationship between Jewish Kabbalists, alchemists and Christian Kabbalists documented, blurred at the Hermetists 19th century's all dividing lines. Pressurizes The nearly complete incorporate alchemy and Kabbalah. Kabbalah as a means of initiation there with them. The oral transmission of Torakenntnissen and mystical Toradeutung ( Sefer Yetzirah , Sefer Bahir , Sohar ) remains at the Hermetists largely by the wayside. Even the Kabbalah of the Golden Dawn joined with little Jewish Kabbalah and Kabbalistic Tanach
- hermeneutics. Kabbalah after Crowley's Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) has Crowley's Liber AL vel Legis the foundation and removed completely from the Jewish Kabbalah. In kawwanah - Church of the New Aeon is the Lurianic Kabbalah
one of several sources.
Kabbalah pop culture
Even pop stars propagate such as Madonna


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