Monday, February 19, 2007

Collapsible Wheelchair


Melchisedech (also Melchizedek and Melchizedek) is a figure from the Old Testament
, mentioned in Genesis 14.17 to 19 in the Abraham narrative , but also a rich Jew in the third story of the first day of the Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio .

Melchizedek in the Old Testament
Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine. He was priest of God Most High. He blessed Abram and said, Blessed be Abram of God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth, and blessed the Most High God who has delivered your enemies to you. Then Abram gave him tithes of all. (New American

According to this passage, Melchizedek is the "king of Salem" and a "
priest of God Most High" (High Priest = ). "King of Salem" can be interpreted as "King of Jerusalem" or the "Queen of Peace (Salem means peace), and leave open whether the association with the royal title temporal power. The name can be translated as Melchizedek himself and then means something like "King of Righteousness." Melchizedek blesses Abraham, then Abraham is charged to the Melchizedek tithe. The importance Mechisedechs is that he is actually in a
mentioned priest the first, and that he uses for his offering of bread and wine - not the meat of sacrificial animals, as the future priests of the Old Testament - and can be interpreted symbolically to Jesus Christ and endowed by the Eucharist as a sacrificial meal . Further, "Salem" frequently when the city Jerusalem interpreted, and this passage would be the earliest historical reference to this otherwise, in the books Moses (the Torah ) has not mentioned City. Also allows the passage to draw conclusions about Abraham, who is mentioned here, along with Melchizedek. Melchizedek is also mentioned in Psalm

110.4, one of God's promise to King David : "You are a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek."
Melchizedek in Boccaccio
Melchizedek is also still in the Decameron by Giovanni di Boccaccio (1348) mentioned rich Jew, the Sultan Saladin, as later in Lessing's Nathan the Wise
same drama, the same question, namely the for the best of the three monotheistic religions, answered with the parable of the rings .
Christian interpretation
A detailed discussion of these passages is found in the Epistle to the Hebrews
in Chapters 5-7. The letter interprets the blessing received and the tax levy as a submission under Abraham and Melchizedek to a subordination of the old covenant to the new covenant. After the letter of Psalm 110.4 is fulfilled in the priesthood of Jesus Christ for the following reasons: David as king of Israel ancestor of Jesus Christ (according to Matthew 1:6), so "You are a priest," even though David himself no priests.

Christ's priesthood is eternal, that is forever.

of Melchizedek are neither advantages nor descendants, mentions his death in the Bible, also inherited the royal priesthood of Christ is neither ancestors nor is inherited by descendants, and Christ dies no more.

The Christian sacrifice (the Eucharist

) will be offered according to the order of Melchizedek, then with bread and wine, so after the order of Melchizedek, without bloodshed and without sacrifices. Abraham submits to it voluntarily, Abraham is here as the embodiment of all descended from him

Israelites, including the later Levites and priests of their duties, and this has Thus the eternal priesthood of Christ subordinate. One is based on descent priesthood is now no more, as Christ is the only high priest.


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